Monday, September 27, 2021


Homework is posted on Google Classroom. 

I sent out an email with your child's email and password. 

 Class code


Friday, September 24, 2021

 Happy Friday!!

Starting Monday, your child's homework will be posted on google classroom. 

Scholastics are due Monday.

An email will go out later this evening or  over the weekend - keep a look out!

Don't forget to take your child to church. This upcoming Friday, Oct 1, is first Friday mass. 

Spelling test and Math homework will be returned on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

 Thursday 9/23

Bring in Spelling book tomorrow. Make sure pages 10-12 is completed.

Spelling quiz tomorrow. If you haven't brought in a small dry erase board, please do so at your earliest convenience. 

Do math page 11. Please bring it in to be checked tomorrow.

Tomorrow Tag Day. If you donated you can wear yellow/gold. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

 Wednesday 9/22


Spelling pages 10-12 due Friday

Tag Day this Friday Yellow/Gold - if you want your child to wear yellow/gold colors please bring in $1 or more donations. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday 9/21/2021


Spelling book pages 10-12 due Friday

Monday, September 20, 2021

Happy Monday!!

Today came home the reader again because tomorrow is the test. Students' should read and reread Pig in a Wig pages 34-45  and practice answering questions on page 46.  

Make sure to bring back the reader and notebook tomorrow so we can move on to the next story. Thank you.

Do not read read in the book. You can have your child read the previous story "Sam, Come Back!"

Your child's test will consist of fill in the blanks (multiple choice- they will bubble in their answer) High Frequency words: take, and

The second half of the test is about the story. Question with multiple choice answers.

We learned last week about a Fantasy story and how things in the story about pig could not really happen.

Notes: (your child is just learning to take notes for  ELA)

B (Beginning) : Pig in the wig at food at 3pm.

M (Middle): The pig got sick. The pig at too much. The pig took a sip.

E (Ending): She did a jig. 

Math Do page 10 from the math  homework book. greater than, less than, and equal to. Please bring it in tomorrow to be checked.

Spelling homework pages 10-12. Due Friday.

Spelling words for the week:











Hight Frequency words: (HFW)







Vocabulary word:

town: a large group of houses and buildings, smaller than a city

Science test tomorrow on the 5 senses.

Math quiz on Wednesday - counting, greater than , less than, putting numbers in order, counting back  (digits from 0-12)

Spelling quiz Friday. One of the HFW will be a bonus word. 

Enjoy your evening.

Friday, September 17, 2021

 Happy Friday

Today came home the reader. Students' should read and reread Pig in a Wig pages 34-45  and practice answering questions on page 46.  They did take notes on the story and were able to write and retell the story from Beginning, Middle, and End. Make sure to bring back the reader and notebook on Monday. Thank you.

Do not read read in the book. You can have your child read the previous story "Sam, Come Back!"

Your child's test will consist of fill in the blanks (multiple choice- they will bubble in their answer) High Frequency words.

The second half of the test is about the story. Question with multiple choice answers.

We learned this week about Fantasy stories and how things in the story about pig could not really happen.

Notes: (your child is just learning to take notes for  ELA)

B (Beginning) : Pig in the wig at food at 3pm.

M (Middle): The pig got sick. The pig at too much. The pig took a sip.

E (Ending): She did a jig. 

Today's tests went home, both math homework (packet and page 9) went home too.  If you didn't see me put a check mark then your child didn't hand it in. I did a lot of reminders and asked individually those who I was missing. 

Enjoy your weekend. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

 Homework and Notices:

Math homework is due tomorrow - bring in the packet. Do page 9. 

UPDATE: A math homework book went home today. They will write their #Name and Date on top. Do page 9 and rip it out and return it to school. I'll check it and then they'll bring it home. Page 10 will be assigned on a future date. 

Spelling Homework is due tomorrow. Bring in the book. Do pages 6-8. Do not go ahead.

Grammar and Spelling quiz tomorrow.

Science test on Tuesday next week on the 5 senses.

Tomorrow is Picture DAY!!! School Uniform. Don't forget to Bring in your picture day FORM so I can give it to the photographer.

Next Wednesday Math quiz. It will be on: filling in the blank- what number is missing, what is one more and one less than a number from 0-10. What number is greater, equal, less than from numbers  0-9; Putting up to four different digits in number order from 0-12. 

Tag Day Yellow/Gold Next Friday. Bring in $1 or more donation to participate. 

Sign up for remind for notifications. Still waiting for more parents to join

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Homework and notices

Practice spelling words and don't forget to to do spelling book pages 6-8. Due Friday

Math homework pages 6 and 7.

Math packet will be due this Friday Sept 18. Remember to have your child's # and Name on it. 

Grammar attached is a picture to practice what is a sentence. Quiz on Friday.

I am still missing two picture forms for two students. If you have them please bring them in. Thank you.

I will postponed the Science test to Tuesday Sept 21.

Reading Comprehension test will also be Tuesday Sept 21. Review and textbook will go home Friday.

I realized there is not enough time in Monday's schedule for Science test. We don't have Science on Monday's.  Thank you for understanding.  

You can sign up for remind

Tag Day next Friday Sept 24, 2021 $1 or more donation. This will go to Childhood Cancer - St. Jude Research Hospital.

Tomorrow welcome back video will be posted tomorrow. YAY!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Spelling pages 6-8 due Friday. 
 Grammar quiz on Friday. 
It will be about what is a sentence and what is not a sentence. (Sentence must begin with an upper case letter and end with a period.) They just need to know how to identify it. 

For example, bubble in which one is a sentence. 
O home today 
O Max is home today. 

 Math practice reading fewer and more -- Have conversations and ask your child one is one more than ... and one is one fewer than... (numbers from 1-15) 

 In Science we are learning the 5 five senses. Test next on Monday, to give you extra time to study. Textbook and pages will go home Friday to review. 

 Religion they are learning how to properly do the sign of the cross. Please review this with your child. We are also learning left hand and right hand. 

 You can now download the remind app and use this to join my class. This is what 2-4th grade teachers are using too. 

 Homework will still be posted here until google classroom is set up. I am still waiting for a few more login in credentials. 

Thank you for your patience. 

 PICTURE FORMS- I am sorry for the mistake. This is the first time I had picture forms with their names on it. Thank you for bringing them in today with your child. I am still missing about 9 of them. Please double check if your child's name is on it. If it is not bring it in so we can exchange it. Thank you. 

 Picture day is this Friday.

 Picture day and Remind

Picture Day is this Friday. Please return the forms. I didn't realize each child's name is on it. First time I had this situation where the form has their names on it. My apologizes

I set up remind. Here is the link to gain access.

Homework will not be posted there. It is another form of communication other than email. 

Monday, September 13, 2021


Spelling homework pages 6-8 Due Friday Sept 17

Spelling Quiz Friday

short "i" sounds this week

Read decodables 3 and 4. If you haven't returned books # 1 and 2 please do so. Thank you. 

Picture Day this Friday. Papers about it went home today.

Spelling words of the week are: 











High Frequency words (HFW):






(bonus words: up and what)

Friday, September 10, 2021

Math quiz Monday. Review numbers 0-12 and counting 0-12. Math page 5 - we learned one more and one less today.

Back to School Night Video will be posted Thursday Sept, 16. More information to follow.

Never forget 9/11. We talked about it today. We never forget.

Enjoy your weekend:)


Thursday, September 9, 2021


September 9, 2021


Finish spelling workbook pages 2-4 and bring the spelling book and the homework that is in it  Spelling quiz tomorrow.

Math  review pages 1-4. Study for the Math quiz on Monday.

In religion the student's have been learning about God's Love is everywhere. Here is a video we watched with a nice little song at the end. The student's wanted to re-watch it later at home.

Google classroom is not yet set up. Homework will be posted here until further notice. I will send out a mass email if there is any changes. Homework will be posted by 3:30pm, most days will be earlier than others. 

Enjoy your evening:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Good Afternoon Parents,

Spelling homework is due Friday Sept, 10 pages 2-4. Bring the workbook then. Spelling test Friday.

Continue practicing reading the decodables 1 and 2. This is to be retuned on Monday Sept, 13

Math pages 3-4. Math quiz on Monday Sept 13. Study the spelling/reading of the number words 0-12 and counting. 

Please make sure the containers you bring in for your child for lunch/ snack is easy for them to open on their own. Don't forget to preopen their water bottles so it is easy access for them.

If you have any questions you can email me, I'll try to respond when I can. 

Stay safe, dry, and hopefully no floods with this new rain storm that is coming. 

Have a Blessful day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


  Good Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome back to another great week.

Here is some notes about this weeks homework. Homework will progress to be a little more than what is now. I want the students to get accumulated in beginning of 1st grade, big boy's and girl's school, and some of the work load that is new and different for them compared to Kindergarten. 

            Today student's will be coming home with a spelling workbook. They did the first page. They will have to do pages 2-4. It will be due this Friday. Please pace your child accordingly. Spelling workbook must be brought in to school on Friday for homework check. They will also need the workbook for Monday. 

              There are two math books, one will stay in school and another will stay at home. This week Mrs. Joyce ripped out the pages that is needed for this week and next week. I will assign each night which pages to do. Tonight your child should be doing pages 1 and 2. It is best not to go ahead because homework is a review of what we covered today. 

Once I'm done assigning all those pages then I'll ask to bring that packed back to class. Once that happens, your child will go home with the whole workbook. Please do not lose it. I do not have extra copies.

Tonight's Math homework pages are: 1 and 2

                Tonight students are coming home with a ziplock back with their books. If they didn't come home with a book because they don't have a ziplock bag it is in their homework folder. They will practice reading the two books that is in the book baggie. This book baggie will be returned next Monday so we can exchange the books. Please have them read and reread it.

         Please email me if your child has allergies, and if so to what are they allergic too. If there is anything else you need me to know about your child other than allergies, also please let me know. Thank you.

This week we will have our first spelling test. The words are on the first page in spelling book. The bonus words will be one of the High Frequency Words: way, in, on

Again, feel free to email me with any of your concerns. Next week Sept 16,  I will be sending out a Parent Orientation information. 

Please note nothing is due tomorrow: But you should pace your child so that they don't do it all in one night!

Spelling pages 2-4 bring workbook and those pages on Friday.

Math do work sheet pages 1-2 and I will let you know when to bring them in but not tomorrow.

Friday, September 3, 2021


Yay!! We just completed our first week of school and they all did great. Many more exciting times to come. 

Today we had our first mass together. They mostly did a great job, especially since it was their first time as a class going to church.  Don't forget to go to Church Sunday with your child and practice the routines we do in church. 

Tuesday we are starting with spelling words and reading. 
Please bring in a 1 gallon size ziplock bag with your child's name on it by Tuesday Sept. 7. They will be taking decodable reading books every week to read at home and return back to school. More information on this to follow. 

A few reminders: 

1. St. Therese is a NUT FREE SCHOOL - We have snacks everyday and lunch everyday but half days - please remember to bring in NUT FREE snacks/lunch - AND - NUT FREE TRACES  snacks/lunch. Sometimes food is produced in a factory where it may contain nuts, please make sure it doesn't. Thank you. Make sure your child's water bottle is labeled. If it is a twist off, please pre open it for them. 

2. I've noticed that some children have been getting "simply gourmet" lunch and want to take leftovers home, which is fine with me. If you can, please bring a bag for them to carry it in so it will be easy for them.
      Make sure your child's water bottle is labeled. If it is a twist off, please pre open it for them.

3. Next week we start homework. Homework will start Tuesday. I will post Math homework here if there is any and phonics and reading for the week on Tuesday. Phonics spelling books will go home Tuesday and must be brought back on Friday for homework check and will be needed for that following Monday. First Spelling test and Grammar test is next Friday. Reading comprehension to be announced on a sooner date. 

4. Student's came home today with scholastic flyers. You are not limited to ordering what is on the flyer that was sent home today. You can go online and order anything on any other flyers too.  
My Class Code is: RJZCG
Teacher name is: Ms. Bednarek
Class Order Due Date: 09/27/21 
Shop Our Class Page:

 Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:

5. This was sent out on parent square the other day: 

If your student is a busing student (Roxbury/Hopatcong/Netcong/Stanhope) THEY WILL ride home on the bus daily, UNLESS A NOTE IS SENT IN to the Homeroom Teacher, indicating that they will NOT utilize the BUS (that day, or going forward). Without a note, students will be put on their scheduled bus.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend.

God Bless,
Ms. Bednarek

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Dear Parents,

I'm excited to be here at St. Therese School, as I am new to the school and the area, and excited to be your child's teacher. Looking forward to getting to know all of you. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns at  . I try to reply with in a school day. I want to welcome everyone back and welcome the new students we have at St. Therese. We had a very good first day of first grade today! We spent the day going over our classroom and learning our new routines. I've noticed we have a quit a few summer birthdays, please let me know if you want me to celebrate it in class in September or in June. Just a reminder goodie bags can't have any food in them.  Homework will begin next week. Please send in any forms for the main office, if you haven't already done so.  

A few reminders: 

Pizza Money is due soon.

First Friday mass will be this Friday, September 3th at 8:30am.

Early Dismissal this Friday at noon.

Have a good evening and God Bless!


Ms. Bednarek

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...