Thursday, September 16, 2021

 Homework and Notices:

Math homework is due tomorrow - bring in the packet. Do page 9. 

UPDATE: A math homework book went home today. They will write their #Name and Date on top. Do page 9 and rip it out and return it to school. I'll check it and then they'll bring it home. Page 10 will be assigned on a future date. 

Spelling Homework is due tomorrow. Bring in the book. Do pages 6-8. Do not go ahead.

Grammar and Spelling quiz tomorrow.

Science test on Tuesday next week on the 5 senses.

Tomorrow is Picture DAY!!! School Uniform. Don't forget to Bring in your picture day FORM so I can give it to the photographer.

Next Wednesday Math quiz. It will be on: filling in the blank- what number is missing, what is one more and one less than a number from 0-10. What number is greater, equal, less than from numbers  0-9; Putting up to four different digits in number order from 0-12. 

Tag Day Yellow/Gold Next Friday. Bring in $1 or more donation to participate. 

Sign up for remind for notifications. Still waiting for more parents to join

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...