Tuesday, September 7, 2021


  Good Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome back to another great week.

Here is some notes about this weeks homework. Homework will progress to be a little more than what is now. I want the students to get accumulated in beginning of 1st grade, big boy's and girl's school, and some of the work load that is new and different for them compared to Kindergarten. 

            Today student's will be coming home with a spelling workbook. They did the first page. They will have to do pages 2-4. It will be due this Friday. Please pace your child accordingly. Spelling workbook must be brought in to school on Friday for homework check. They will also need the workbook for Monday. 

              There are two math books, one will stay in school and another will stay at home. This week Mrs. Joyce ripped out the pages that is needed for this week and next week. I will assign each night which pages to do. Tonight your child should be doing pages 1 and 2. It is best not to go ahead because homework is a review of what we covered today. 

Once I'm done assigning all those pages then I'll ask to bring that packed back to class. Once that happens, your child will go home with the whole workbook. Please do not lose it. I do not have extra copies.

Tonight's Math homework pages are: 1 and 2

                Tonight students are coming home with a ziplock back with their books. If they didn't come home with a book because they don't have a ziplock bag it is in their homework folder. They will practice reading the two books that is in the book baggie. This book baggie will be returned next Monday so we can exchange the books. Please have them read and reread it.

         Please email me if your child has allergies, and if so to what are they allergic too. If there is anything else you need me to know about your child other than allergies, also please let me know. Thank you.

This week we will have our first spelling test. The words are on the first page in spelling book. The bonus words will be one of the High Frequency Words: way, in, on

Again, feel free to email me with any of your concerns. Next week Sept 16,  I will be sending out a Parent Orientation information. 

Please note nothing is due tomorrow: But you should pace your child so that they don't do it all in one night!

Spelling pages 2-4 bring workbook and those pages on Friday.

Math do work sheet pages 1-2 and I will let you know when to bring them in but not tomorrow.

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...