Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Balance Scale Clipart

Google Meet: -- I'll see you today at 10am. We will be discussing this weeks story together.

  • Do Groundhog Book page 127
  • Re-read story, Tippy Toe Chick, Go, on your own. We will not be re-reading the story in our google meet today. If you are having trouble with some of the words, you can listen to me read the story as you follow along in your book: https://youtu.be/tMcN4adL2_k
  • Answer comprehension questions to the story. You will find these questions posted in our google classroom.
  • Cow Book page 99 - write the missing list word.
  • Choose one activity everyday to study your spelling words this week (use a stick to write your spelling words in the dirt, put rice or baking flour on a cookie tray and practice writing your words in it, write silly sentences for each of your spelling words, write your words with chalk in your driveway, use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words, write a story using all of your spelling words and underline all of your words, write your spelling words with pink consonants and green vowels, say your spelling words while doing jumping jacks).
  • Test on Friday.
  • Please open your book to page 429 and click the following 2 links to listen to today's lesson about balance scales. 
          Math Part 1 -- https://youtu.be/BqPDhSrakpE
          Math Part 2 -- https://youtu.be/9emFTf7YW-Y
  • Do page 429(we will do this page together on the video). 
  • Do page 430 by yourself.
  • IXL -- First grade -- Math -- P. Measurement -- 4.Light and Heavy
  • Optional Challenge -- draw a balance scale and label the following: is a pencil or a book heavier? is an apple or raisin lighter? what 2 items weigh about the same? How do you know if an object is heavier or lighter on the balance scale?
  • Open your book to page 276-277 and click this link for today's lesson. https://youtu.be/6Mec7jEGK74
  • Answer the "We Respond" question -- What is one way that you can thank your family for sharing God's love? Do it today.
Social Studies:
  • Open your book page 218-219 and click this link for today's lesson. https://youtu.be/tCwiKtle5LM
  • Do Workbook page 57
  • Optional -- I have assigned a few books on Epic Reading about government, voting, and the US Capital. Check them out!
  • Optional Challenge -- Look up and draw an outline of the state of New Jersey and make a small star to show where our capital is. Write a sentence telling me what your picture shows, including the name of the capital of New Jersey? 

Sterling Mind Virtual Field Trip:  Here is Day 3's videos (these are 2 short ones). Enjoy!

Specials: Here are the links to the specials blogs. Do the work at anytime throughout the week that works best for your schedule.

Thank you,
Mrs. Novak

 Thursday! Homework: Spelling:  Choice Board. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, snow, ...