Thursday, April 30, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you! : April Showers Bring May Flower Garden Flag, Colorful ...

Google Meet at 10am -- bring paper and pencil for spelling test. Write your name on the top of the paper and number from 1-12. Also, bring your "All About Me" May flower to share.

  • Groundhog book page 120 (Put each group of names in ABC Order. Remember that a name begins with a capital letter.)
  • On our google meeting the other day we reviewed what synonyms are antonyms are and played a game with them. Remember, synonyms are 2 words that mean the same thing. Here are some examples:
Synonym Anchor Chart!! | Synonyms anchor chart
  • Antonyms are 2 words that mean the opposite. Here are some examples:
Antonym Anchor Chart!! | Antonyms anchor chart, Kindergarten ...
  • Please do IXL -- First Grade -- Language Arts -- Y. Synonyms and Antonyms (I have starred the 2 sections. Do as many as you can in 20 minutes.)

  • Test -- we will take our test on our google meeting at 10am. Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. Write your name on the top of the paper and number from 1-12.

  • Please click on the following link to learn today's lesson:
  • Do pages 423-424
  • Please do IXL -- First Grade -- Math -- P. Measurement -- #5 Holds more or less (I have starred it)
  •  Do pages 268-270
Social Studies:
  • Please take out your textbook and turn to pages 208-209. Please click on the following link to learn today's lesson:
  • Workbook page 55 -- just color the symbols.
  • Take out your Scholastic Newspaper -- "Follow that Eagle!" 
  • Log into Scholastic News as a student.  Our password is: firstgradenovak  (February newsletter -- Follow that Eagle!) 
  • Watch video "American Symbols"
  • Listen and read newsletter (answer questions on the back page)
  • Watch Brain Pop Jr. episode on US Symbols.                                        Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1
  • I assigned a book about the Liberty Bell on Epic Reading, if you would like to read and see more pictures of it.
Snack & Storytime: If you have been enjoying the Henry and Mudge stories, I have recorded another for you to listen to:

Please remember to either email me your child's work everyday or drop off their work in the box placed in front of the school building at the end of the week so I can pick it up from there to review. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Videos That Teach Kids Measurement | Math for kids, Math songs ...


Snack & Storytime: Grab a snack and listen to another Henry and Mudge story. Here is the link:

  • Groundhog book page 118  -- circle the compound word in each sentence.
  • Groundhog book page 119 -- read the name of each pet in the picture. Write the words that have that same vowel sound. Does it have an -ew, -ui, or -ue?
  • Please take out your reading textbook and open up to pages 182-183. Click this link and we will look at it together:
  • Read the poems on pages 184-185. Can you find any rhyming words?
  • IXL- First Grade - Language Arts - C. Rhyming "Complete the Poem with a word that rhymes" (do what you can in 20 minutes)
  • Cow Book page 96
  • Choose one activity everyday to study your spelling words this week (write silly sentences for each of your spelling words, write your words with chalk in your driveway, in a dark room use a flashlight to write the words in the air, use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words, write a story using all of your spelling words, write your words inside raindrops that you draw).
  • Test will be tomorrow during our google meeting.
  • Let's continue talking about measurement. Please click on this link to learn more:
  • To learn more about measurement check out this Brain Pop, Jr. episode.  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1. For a challenge -- take the easy and hard quizzes.
  • pages 417-418 (remember to think about the real objects....not the pictures in the book)
  • pages 419-420

  • Please take out your book and open to pages 266-267. Click this link for me to explain it to you:
  • Make "My Mass Book" -- tear out the pages after page 320. Put Mass Book together and then read and pray the prayers in it. 
Social Studies:
  • Open your textbook to pages 206-207 and listen to me read and discuss these pages with you. Click this link:
  • Interested in learning about other inventions that Benjamin Franklin invented? Read about it in Epic Reading. I assigned the book to you: A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin. You can either listen to it being read to you or read it on your choose.

  • Google meet tomorrow at 10am  (we will take this weeks spelling test and share our May Flowers --- directions were in email on Monday and it has also been posted in our google classroom for you to print out)
  • Please remember to either email me your child's work everyday or drop off their work in the box placed in front of the school building at the end of the week so I can pick it up from there to review. Thank you!
Thank you,
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Library of jpg freeuse of kids in school png files ▻▻▻ Clipart ...

Happy Birthday Gabe & Leo!! We hope you have a great day!!

Google Meet: -- today at 10am. Bring your reading textbook. We will be re-reading, Henry and Mudge, pages 160-179.

  • Please do Groundhog Book -- page 117
  • Answer Henry and Mudge comprehension questions (you will find this document in our Google Classroom -- you will see it right on the first page after logging in. You will also see it posted in the "classwork" section). Please print out this test, have your child answer the questions and either email their answers to me or drop off with their work at the end of the week in our class bin outside of school.Thank you!
  • Cow Book -- page 95 (write ly or ful to the end of  the word. Read the sentence to see what makes sense.)
  • Choose one activity everyday to study your spelling words this week (write silly sentences for each of your spelling words, write your words with chalk in your driveway, in a dark room use a flashlight to write the words in the air, use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words, write a story using all of your spelling words, write your words inside raindrops that you draw).
  • Test will be on Friday.

  • Please take out your ruler and click on this link for today's lesson.
  • Draw and label a 2 inch, 4 inch, and 6 inch line on paper. 
  • Do pages 415-416
  • IXL -- First Grade, Math, P. Measurement, #10, inches (I have starred this section). Do as much as you can in 20 minutes.

Social Studies:

Specials Work: (do these when you can during the week)

Thank you!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

You are amazing! | Inspirational quotes for kids, Words, Quotes ...
Hello First Graders!!

  • Please press this link to hear our lesson for today.
  • Do Groundhog book pages 115 &116
  • People wear costumes for different reasons. They may wear a costume for a parade, for a holiday celebration, and when they are in a play. Costumes change the way we look and that is why we wear them at certain times. Henry and Mudge are characters in the story we are going to read this week. We'll find out what happens when their neighbor, Mrs. Hopper, lets them play in a very special room of costumes in her house.
  • Read, Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House, in your reading textbook, pages 160-179 one time. 
  • Cow Book page 94
  • Choose one activity everyday to study your spelling words this week (write silly sentences for each of your spelling words, write your words with chalk in your driveway, in a dark room use a flashlight to write the words in the air, use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words, write a story using all of your spelling words, write your words inside raindrops that you draw).
  • Test will be on Friday.
  • Perimeter is the distance around a figure. Think of it as a fence in your backyard. 
  • Watch this to learn:  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1. 
  • Do pages 411-412 - use small paperclips to go around the entire shape. How many did you need?
triand - easy online student testing
  • Do pages 413-414 - comparing lengths (make sure you look at the directions -- they change from shortest to longest and longest to shortest)
  • IXL -- First Grade, Math, P. Measurement  -- I have starred 7 & 8. Do as much as you can in 20 minutes.

  • Please take out your book and open up to pages 262-263. Press this link so I can talk to you about it.
  • Answer the "We Gather" question on page 262. 

Social Studies:
  • Please take out your textbook and open up to pages 200-201. 
  • Press this link to listen to me explain to you what is happening on these pages.
  • Please answer the 3 "Try It" questions on page 201 on a piece of paper and give to me.
  • Do Workbook page 53

Specials Work: (do these when you can during the week)

Have a great day!
Mrs. Novak

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

51 Best Children Quotes

Good Morning First Graders!!


  • Here are this weeks spelling words. You will also find them listed on Cow Book page 93. They are: slowly, careful, quickly, useful, painful, playful, sadly, gladly, nicely, wonderful, because, across.
  • Do Cow Book page 93 -- use your best handwriting!
  • Choose one activity everyday to study your spelling words this week (write silly sentences for each of your spelling words, write your words with chalk in your driveway, in a dark room use a flashlight to write the words in the air, use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words, write a story using all of your spelling words, write your words inside raindrops that you drew).
  • Please watch this video to learn about our new chapter: Measurement!
  • Do pages 407-410. Use any small object to measure the items on these pages, since you are not at school with our cubes. You can use dice, cheerios, etc. Please just make a note at the top of the page to tell me what you used.
  • Let's measure some objects around your house! Choose 5 items (or more) to measure using a spoon, pencil, marker, etc. to measure the items. Write down what the object is and how many you needed to measure it.

Social Studies:

Specials Work: (do these when you can during the week)

Have a good day!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday, April 23, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Good Morning Friday Inspirational Quotes - Happy Friday Quotes

Google Meet 10am (use the same code to enter meeting room as you did on Wednesday). Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. You can number your paper 1-12. I will give you your spelling test at this time. Then we will have a Mystery Guest --- I will give you the clues in our meeting!! See you then!

  • Please click on this and it will help you know how to do Groundhog book page 110
  • Do Groundhog book page 110
  • Can you practice and send me a real email to say hello?
  • IXL -- Language Arts section -- LL. Adjectives (I starred 3 sections for you to review). Remember an adjective describes a noun. For example: The yellow sun is shining. Yellow is the adjective. (do as much as you can with a 15-20 minute timeframe)
  • Take test on pages 399-400. Please do this on your own.
Social Studies:
Scholastic News:
  • This week we celebrated Earth Day. We know that we can recycle lots of things. Do you think people can recycle GUM??? Let's find out!
  • Log into Scholastic News as a student.  Our password is: firstgradenovak  
  • Find the April newsletter "Recycling that Gym". You received a real copy of this newsletter when you picked up your books. 
  • Watch video "Hooray for Earth Day"
  • Read through the slideshow of  "Vocabulary Words".
  • Read newsletter or listen to it being read to you.
  • Play the game "Recycle that Gum", if you would like.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Happy Thursday Greetings Text Image Nice Wishes


  • Cow book page 92
  • Study for test tomorrow -- I will give test during our Google Meeting.

  • Pages 395-396 (read each question carefully and take your time)
  • Practice counting coins for 10 minutes. Use actual coins from home to add up or practice on IXL. 

  • Do page 256 (use the words in the box to complete the sentences). The Assessment activity at the bottom of this page is optional.
  • Do pages 257-258

Social Studies:
  • Take out your social studies textbook and open to page 190. Then click the following link:
  • Do workbook pages 49-50
  • Watch this Brain Pop Jr. about the Pueblo Native Americans.  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1.
  • You can take the quizzes online afterwards.
  • I assigned a book on Epic Reading that shows some great pictures of the Native American houses, if you would like to see.
Looking for more to do? Try yoga!

Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly introduction to yoga!

Have a great day!
Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Earth Day Green Background Illustration Royalty Free Cliparts ...

Happy Earth Day First Graders!!

  • Groundhog book page 107 (pick a word from the box to finish each sentence)
  • Google Meet with me at 10am (login info in separate email. When you enter our google classroom, click on waffle symbol on upper right hand side, click on Meet, then enter our meet code which you will find in that separate email). At this google meet we will re-read Peter's Chair, pages 130-151, and will talk about it. Please have your books with you. Thanks!
  • Answer Peter's Chair comprehension questions (you will find this document in our Google Classroom -- you will see it right on the first page after logging in. You will also see it posted in the "classwork" section). Please print out this test, have your child answer the questions and either email their answers to me or drop off with their work at the end of the week in our class bin outside of school.
  • Cow Book page 91 (write the missing list words)
  • Choose one additional way to study your spelling words today (put words in ABC order, write a sentence for each word, jumping jacks while you spell out each word, use scrabble tiles to make your spelling words, or any other favorite spelling task we did this year). Test will be on Friday.
  • Please take out your religion book and open to pages 254-255. 
  • Click on this link and I will go through these pages with you.

Earth Day:
60 Different Types of Trees

  • For Earth Day... let's learn about trees and why they are important to our earth!
  • Listen to the story, Tell Me, Tree by Gail Gibbons. Here is the link:
  • Watch video about trees:
  • Here is a great website for you to explore and learn more about trees:
  • Make a picture of a tree with leaves. On each leaf, write a fact about trees. You can be creative as you want with your picture of a tree. Use any materials that you may have at home: crayons, construction paper, markers, etc.
  • Do you have a favorite kind of tree? Mine is a weeping willow. Here is a picture of it.
The Only Good Place For A Weeping Willow | Southern Living

  • Optional: Take a nature walk outside and see if you can pick out the different kinds of trees in your neighborhood.
  • Optional: I assigned 3 books about trees on Epic Reading for you to look at.

Looking for more? I have starred sections on IXL that review different types of sentences. Click on Grade 1, Language Arts, Grammar and Mechanics, Section EE. Sentences. 

Have a good day!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Happy Thoughts Happy Tuesday tuesday tuesday quotes happy tuesday ...

Good Morning First Graders!!

  • Cow Book page 90
  • Choose one additional way to study your spelling words today (put words in ABC order, write a sentence for each word, jumping jacks while you spell out each word, use scrabble tiles to make your spelling words, or any other favorite spelling task we did this year). Test will be on Friday.

Social Studies:
  • Take out Social Studies textbook and open to pages 188-189. Then click on the following link.
  • Workbook page 48

  • Please check Senora Decker's blog for this week's assignment. You can do this at any time during the week, whatever works best with your schedule.
  • Please check Ms. Viggiano's blog for this week's assignment. You can do this at any time during the week, whatever works best with your schedule.

Looking for more? I have starred sections on IXL that review what words need to be capitalized. Click on Grade 1, Language Arts, Section PP. Capitalization.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!!
Mrs. Novak

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Welcome Back from Spring Break! – Harmony School of Technology ...

Hi First Graders!

Happy Birthday Evelien!! We hope you have a great day!! 
Happy Birthday Kristel – Jackson Sumner & Associates
  • We learned about compound words in school this year. It is when we take 2 words and put them together to form a new word. Please watch this video for you to review and remember:
  •   Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1. 
  • Here are some more examples of compound words:
  • ESL kids worksheets: Compound words | Compound words, Compound ...
  • Please do "Groundhog book" (kids nicknamed it this because it has a picture of a groundhog on the cover) page 103
  • Please listen to me on this link where I will read you a short story and will story map it. This will help you to know how to do Groundhog Book page 104. Here is the link:
  • Please do "Groundhog Book" page 104
  • Our spelling words this week contain 10 compound words and 2 extra words. You can find the words on page 89 in our "Cow Book". Here they are also: backpack, outside, baseball, herself, flashlight, bluebird, lunchbox, suitcase, inside, brainstorm, picture, remember
  • Please do "Cow Book" page 89. You will use your best handwriting to write each word 2 times. 
  • Do Math book pages 387-388
  • Review what is on a calendar. This is all things that we have talked about throughout the year in school but I would like you to refresh your memory. Please watch:  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1. 
  • Do Math book pages 389-390
Social Studies:
  • Take out your social studies textbook and open up to page 183.
  • Now, click on this link.
  • Do Social Studies workbook page 47.
Looking for more? I assigned a few books on Epic Reading that are about some of the topics you learned today.


  • Please check Senora Decker's blog for this week's assignment. You can do this at any time during the week, whatever works best with your schedule.

  • Please check Ms. Viggiano's blog for this week's assignment. You can do this at any time during the week, whatever works best with your schedule.

Have a great day!!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Easter Messages Wishes To Share on Whatsapp & Facebook | Happy ...

  • Listen to the story, The Kissing Hand. Here is the link:
  • Think about who the characters were in the story, where did the story take place (setting), what was the problem in the story, and how was it solved. Answer these questions in the "reading worksheet" which you will find in Wednesday's email. 
  • Do the "Kisses and Hugs Addition to 20" worksheet which you will find in Wednesday's email. 
  • Math Choice board --- choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to back of choice board (worksheet was in Monday email)
  • Practice IXL  -- Math -- continue to work on any section under addition, subtraction, money, and time. Do it for 20 minutes (you can do longer, if you want). You can make your goal to be getting an 80 (which means that you are proficient in that skill) do not need to go to 100 for completion, unless you want to. I can see on my teacher portal what you are/aren't getting correct. I can also see who is/isn't doing it.  You can also work on this over spring break, if you want.
Literacy Choice Board:
  • Choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to the back of the choice board. (worksheet was in Monday email)
Easter Fun:
  • Easter Word Search (in Wednesday email)
  • Easter ABC Order (in Wednesday email)
Optional Easter Fun:

  • Listen to the story, The Great Eggscape
  • The Great Eggscape: The Egg Wants to Escape! Can  you make a maze to get your egg from beginning to end. Think about some things we have talked about at school this year --- what is something we can use to push or pull the egg through your maze? Can you use a straw? Can you use a magnet? Can you use something else to get your egg to escape through your maze?


  • An Egg Wants to Play a Game of Hide and Seek! Create a habitat to hide or camouflage your egg (it can be a plastic egg...doesn't have to be a real one). Think about how animals protect themselves by camouflaging themselves. Look at the color of your egg. Can you find other things that might camouflage it from others seeing it? Can you make your egg look like a different color or colors to blend it in with other colors that are the same?

Spanish Class: check out Senora Decker's blog.

Art Class check out Mrs. Viggiano's blog.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Easter! May God Bless us all to stay safe and healthy during this time. Enjoy Spring Break!


Mrs. Novak

Monday, April 6, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

HAPPY EASTER! Here Are Some Local Easter Egg Hunts For Kids ...

  • Listen to the story, A Tale of Two Beasts. Here is the link:
  • Think about the story and how each character was feeling, what they were thinking and what they did. Take out the "reading worksheet" in Tuesday's email. Read each question and then cut and glue the answer that goes with each character.
  • Take out the "writing worksheet" in Tuesday's email. Who do you think was right in the story -- the little girl or the little animal? Use the worksheet to tell why you feel that way. Write 2-3 sentences explaining why.
  • Read for 20 minutes on Epic Books, Raz Kids, or a book from home.

  • Math Choice board --- choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to back of choice board (worksheet was in Monday email)
  • Practice IXL  -- Math -- I have starred subtraction areas I would like you to work on today. (it is located in letter H: Subtraction).If you did not do all of the Money sections (which I have starred), please do those as well.


  • Choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to the back of the choice board. (worksheet was in Monday email)


  • Once upon a time, I found a magic egg... (in Tuesday's email)

Easter Fun:

  • All About Me Easter Egg Glyph - (in Tuesday's email). First, you will answer each question. Next, you will look at the glyph key page and find out what piece of the egg you are coloring and how for each question. Finally, you will color that section. 

  • School Wide Project -- Here is the information that Mr. Dunnigan emailed everyone:
    • We are announcing a school-wide project designed to encourage students to exercise their literary and artistic talents. The theme is: Jesus Christ is Risen. We invite students of all grades (including preschool), with parental assistance as needed, to create and submit drawings, paintings, poems, letters that celebrate and showcase the Joy of Easter. They should be submitted electronically either by scanning, or taking photos and emailing to: Deacon Murphy at: We will collect and review all submissions and post as many as we can on the school website and social media. I've asked Deacon Stu Murphy to coordinate and review submissions that are submitted, to ensure they are appropriate.
    • Guidelines As a Catholic school we want to ensure what we post is appropriate therefore we may decline to post certain submissions if they do not meet the overall theme of this project, or are contrary to Catholic teaching.
    • Do encourage your students to be creative and look to nature, our Catholic faith, family, friends as well as within their own hearts for inspiration. Do photograph or scan and send from your email account we have on file. We will not accept submissions from non-recognized accounts, nor from social media. Do limit your submission, especially poetry or prose to a single page. Where appropriate, student's picture can be included in the submission (for example holding up their artwork). Finally, Do be creative, use your imagination and enjoy yourselves. We look forward to your seeing your work.

Spanish Class: check out Senora Decker's blog.

Art Class check out Mrs. Viggiano's blog.

Looking for more to do....check this out!

Have a good day,
Mrs. Novak

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

SAP BrandVoice: Does The Easter Bunny Have A Sustainable Supply Chain?

  • Listen to the story, A Bad Case of Stripes. Here is the link:
  • Think about what happened in the story. Retell the story and write the order of events. Draw a picture to go with each sentence. (worksheet is in Monday email)
  • Practice reading and solving some subtraction story problems. (worksheet is in Monday email)
Literacy Choice Board:
  • Choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to the back of the choice board. (worksheet is in Monday email)
  • Math Choice board --- choose any 4 squares to answer and attach answers to back of choice board (worksheet is in Monday email)
  • Practice IXL  -- Math -- I have starred 3 addition areas I would like you to work on today. (it is located in letter D: Addition). If you did not do all of the sections for Time and Money, please look at those also.
  • Lenten Prayer Chain Piece -- Surprise someone with a handmade gift in your house. (it could be a drawing or a card that you make for them)
  • School Wide Project -- Here is the information that Mr. Dunnigan emailed everyone:
    • We are announcing a school-wide project designed to encourage students to exercise their literary and artistic talents. The theme is: Jesus Christ is Risen. We invite students of all grades (including preschool), with parental assistance as needed, to create and submit drawings, paintings, poems, letters that celebrate and showcase the Joy of Easter. They should be submitted electronically either by scanning, or taking photos and emailing to: Deacon Murphy at: We will collect and review all submissions and post as many as we can on the school website and social media. I've asked Deacon Stu Murphy to coordinate and review submissions that are submitted, to ensure they are appropriate.
    • Guidelines As a Catholic school we want to ensure what we post is appropriate therefore we may decline to post certain submissions if they do not meet the overall theme of this project, or are contrary to Catholic teaching.
    • Do encourage your students to be creative and look to nature, our Catholic faith, family, friends as well as within their own hearts for inspiration. Do photograph or scan and send from your email account we have on file. We will not accept submissions from non-recognized accounts, nor from social media. Do limit your submission, especially poetry or prose to a single page. Where appropriate, student's picture can be included in the submission (for example holding up their artwork). Finally, Do be creative, use your imagination and enjoy yourselves. We look forward to your seeing your work.

STEM Challenge:

Pin on Marshmallow by Clare Turlay Newberry

Here is your challenge: Can you build a home that holds a rabbit using building blocks or other simple materials you have at home? Rabbits can live in different types of homes.

They can live in a burrow or hole:

Rabbits live in groups,and lives in underground burrows, or rabbit ...

They can live in a nest:
Vote for this photo in the 2017 Wildlife Photo Contest! | Cute ...

They can live in a hutch:

TRIXIE 1-Story Rabbit Hutch | small pet Hutches | PetSmart
Make a plan before you get started. Write down and tell me what materials you used. What worked? What did not?  Did the home hold or not hold a rabbit. (You can use a stuffed animal or draw a picture of a rabbit.) Please take a picture of your rabbit home along with your writing and send it to me. I can't wait to see it!

Easter Fun:
  • 100's Chart Mystery Picture (worksheet in Monday email)
  • Read some Easter stories on Epic Books

Art Class check out Mrs. Viggiano's blog.

Looking for more to do....check this out!

Virtual Tour of the
National Museum of Natural History
Take this exciting virtual tour!
Fun for everyone!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

First Grade Spirit Week -- Feel Good Friday! 
Do something you enjoy today and share a picture! Here are some examples: play a board game with your family, listen to music, read a book, cook with your family!

Today, you are going to look at words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. These words are called homophones. Please take a look at the pictures and examples below.

Teaching Homophones - Make Take & Teach

Here are some examples:
Homophones Match-Ups at Lakeshore Learning
  • Homophones worksheet which you will find in the Friday email (put your thinking caps can do this!) Do not worry about the spelling....I am more interested in you knowing that these words have 2 different meanings.
  • Read for 20 minutes from a book from home, Epic Books, or Raz Kids (you might want to use your reading time to help you with your writing assignment).
  • Read a nonfiction book about your favorite animal on Epic. 
  • What if that animal was your pet? What would you name your new pet? What would you do with it? What would you teach it? Where would you take it? 
  • Be creative and have fun writing your story. Draw a picture of you and your new pet! Remember to use capital letters and end marks!
  • Parents, please take a picture and email me your child's work.
  • Draw pictures of Easter Eggs. Hide a few spelling words inside each egg picture. See if a person at your house can find all of the words!
  • "What Time Is It" worksheet (in Friday email)
  • Please do IXL. After logging in, go to Math -- First Grade -- Money (do as many sections of money as you can)
Scholastic News:
  • Take out the "Make Way for Ducklings" newsletter from your folder. Log into Scholastic News as a student. Our password is: firstgradenovak   
  • Then find the March issue of "Make Way for Ducklings". You can watch the video: "It's a Duck".  Review the vocabulary words and you might even want to try playing the online game "Go Duck Go".
  • Read the newsletter and answer questions (front and back). You will find the newsletter and question paper in the original package that was sent home when we first left school.

I came across this website and thought I would share --- New Jersey Audubon
A great website for all ages! Experience the outdoors from your couch!

Additonal Information:
  • Look at Mrs. Hall's blog for free access to a few websites.
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:
  • Don't forget your brain breaks!

Have a wonderful weekend!!
Mrs. Novak  

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...