Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Happy Thursday Greetings Text Image Nice Wishes


  • Cow book page 92
  • Study for test tomorrow -- I will give test during our Google Meeting.

  • Pages 395-396 (read each question carefully and take your time)
  • Practice counting coins for 10 minutes. Use actual coins from home to add up or practice on IXL. 

  • Do page 256 (use the words in the box to complete the sentences). The Assessment activity at the bottom of this page is optional.
  • Do pages 257-258

Social Studies:
  • Take out your social studies textbook and open to page 190. Then click the following link:
  • Do workbook pages 49-50
  • Watch this Brain Pop Jr. about the Pueblo Native Americans.  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1.
  • You can take the quizzes online afterwards.
  • I assigned a book on Epic Reading that shows some great pictures of the Native American houses, if you would like to see.
Looking for more to do? Try yoga!

Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly introduction to yoga!

Have a great day!
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...