Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Please update your attendance everyday. Thank you parents for everything that you do!!

Hello First Graders!! I hope you had a nice weekend with your family! Here is your work for today:

  • Our question of the week is "What treasures can we find in the earth?" Think about that. What do you think we can find in the earth?
  •  This week we will be working on the story called "Mister Bones". You will find the reading pages and worksheets in the paper clip under that heading. 
  • Words that have the letters -oa and -ow in them, make the long o sound. Read these words: road, toad, low, flow. You will see a lot of words like this during the week.
  • Do Pages 83 & 84
  • Read a book, Raz Kids or Epic Books for 30 minutes. 
  • The spelling words for this week are: boat, road, snow, row, yellow, loaf, coat, soap, blow, pillow, once and wild.
  • Do page 77 - where you will write each spelling word 2 times each. (This page is not in the paper clipped Reading Mister Bones section. It is where last weeks spelling pages were).
  • Spelling Word Sort/Dinosaur Hunter Search worksheet.(You will find that in the Mister Bones packet)
  • What are some things you do when it's raining? Write your answer in complete sentences in your writing journal packet. Draw a picture to go with it.
  • Remember that a quarter is worth 25 cents, a dime is worth 10 cents, a nickel is worth 5 cents and a penny is worth 1 cent. The easiest way to add money is to group coins together that are the same and then put your coins from the largest amount to the smallest amount. So....a quarter goes first, then dime, nickel and penny.
Image result for pictures of coins for teaching
  • Log In to Brain Pop Jr. Username is firstgradenovak. Password is novak1. In search box type in "Saving and Spending". You will see that they talk a lot about spending your money on needs and wants. We already know about needs and wants....let's find out about buying them with our money!
  • Do workbook pages 367-368

  • Let's do the next "Lenten Prayer Chain piece". It is " Pray for world political and religious leaders." Please say one decade of the rosary which is 1 Our Father and 10 Hail Mary's.
  • Today, we are going to talk about temperature. What is temperature? Does the temperature change throughout the day?
  • Log In to Brain Pop Jr. Username is firstgradenovak and Password is novak1. Watch episode on temperature.
  • The colors on a thermometer shows how hot or cold the temperature is. Your mom and dad take your temperature when you are sick. We can also find out the temperature of the weather outside. The colored line is higher on the thermometer in the warmer weather and lower in the cooler weather. So, the thermometer that is red is showing that it is very hot. The thermometer in blue is showing that it is cold.
Image result for thermometer images

  • Check the temperature outside 3 times today (if you don't have a thermometer, you can ask your parents to look it up on their phone or computer): first thing this morning, in the middle of the day, and then right before dinner time. Did the temperature change? When was it the coldest? When was it the warmest? (***If you can't do it today, do it another day  this week.***)
  • Read assigned Epic Book "Hot or Cold". Write at least 2 sentences on what you learned today about thermometers and temperature.

We would normally have Art Class today in school. Please go to Miss Viggiano's blog to see about a special project she would like you to do today


First and Second Grade:

As part of the ongoing efforts to support all young Spanish learners in this crisis, some online resources like ''Calico Spanish" put together a pack of 10 days of lessons any family can use to work on some basic Spanish skills while schools are closed. 

Here is the link so you can download the lesson plans and work with the students, I will adding a lesson for each grade.

  • Follow lesson plans for day 1, if possible print the flash cards
  • Watch the video Story ''Pedro El Pez conoce a la Mona'', just click on that tittle and you will be directed to the story.
  • Listen to the song ''Elefantes Grandes", same, click on the song and listen to it.
  • Complete activity worksheet on page 25 of the package.

Other Resources for you to explore:

Have a Magical Monday!
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...