Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Parents: Please send me your child's attendance for the day,  either through this link or email me. 
Thank you very much!

Good Morning First Graders! You did it! You completed a full week of work at home. I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. Remember to take breaks in between if you need to.

Here is your work for today:


  • practice book page 80
  • Raz Kids or Epic Books -- 30 minutes
  • practice this weeks spelling words doing one of the following ways (write each word three times each, ABC order, write each word in a sentence, or take a test with Mom or Dad). The spelling words are found on each page of your spelling work for this week.


  • Today's Lenten Prayer Chain piece: "Do something healthy to take care of the body God gave you." So.....try to have some healthy snacks today and......Let's Move! Use the following 2 links:


  • Take out several coins. Practice for at least 10 minutes finding the value of different groups of coins.
  • pages 365-366
  • Let's learn a new addition game called "Top It". You will need a deck of cards. Here are the directions:

    1. Materials: A set of number cards with four cards each of the numbers 0-10
    2. Number of Players: 2 or 3
    3. A player shuffles the cards and places the deck number-side down on the playing surface. Each player turns over two cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum wins the round and takes all the cards. In the case of a tie, each player turns over two more cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum then takes all the cards from both plays. Play ends when not enough cards are left for each player to have another turn. The player with the most cards wins.

  • We will finish off our St. Patty's Day week with a GREEN frog!! Take out the scholastic newsletter titled "Don't Mess With This Dad" from your folder. 
  • Log into Scholastic News as a student.  Our password is: firstgradenovak
  • Then find the March issue of "Don't Mess With This Dad". Watch the video "From tadpole to frog", look at the vocabulary words, and play the online game "Keep the Clutch". 
  • Read the newsletter and answer the questions (front and back). You will find newsletter and question paper in your folder.
  • Epic Books --- I have assigned a book for you to read. It is National Geographic Readers: Frogs. You will see it under the assignment button. Please read the book and write down 3 facts that you learned about frogs. Please write in complete sentences.


  • In the story we read this week, "The Dot",  we met an artist named Vashti. Let's learn about another artist name Ezra Jack Keats. He is both an author and illustrator. You may have read some of his books. Please watch the following BrainPop about him.  Username is: firstgradenovak and our password is: novak1.  
  • Now that you have learned about a person who is an author and illustrator, I would like you to make your own story and illustrate it too! Do you think you can write a story about our pet rocks in the classroom? What do you think they are doing while we are away? Are they playing in our classroom? Are they walking through the halls? Are they having a party? What do you think? Please write your own story and illustrate it. Make sure it has characters, setting, a problem and a solution. I can't wait to read them and see your illustrations!! Use any paper that you have at home.

Other Resources for you to explore:

Have a wonderful weekend. We will meet back here on Monday morning! 

Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...