Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

September - Back to School Stationery and Printables | Tuesday ...

First Grade Spirit Week -- Chalk -It -Up Tuesday!  
Go outside and write a positive chalk message on your sidewalk or driveway, if the weather allows. Or write a positive message on paper. Share a picture of you and your positive message!

People take to sidewalks with colorful chalk to share messages of ...

  • Today we are going to look at blending 2 letters together to make 1 sound. -kn and -wr. Please watch this video of me explaining it to you. https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/blends-kn-and-wr/52815818/?s=Hn3vne&ref=appemail
  • Diagraph "kn" worksheet (in Tuesday's email) Please read the directions...there are a few steps.
  • Diagraph "wr" worksheet (in Tuesday's email) Please read the directions...there are a few steps.
  • Read a book from home, Epic Books, or Raz Kids for 20 minutes.

  • Write a sentence, asking or telling, for each spelling word. Remember to put a capital letter in the beginning of the sentence and an end mark at the end.

  • The first clock shows that it is 2:00. One hour later is 3:00 which is what the second clock shows you.

Time to turn the clock one hour ahead! - Unravel Malta
  •  The first clock shows that it is 1:00. One hour later is 2:00 which is what the second clock shows you.
lucky ighalo : Both the North and South Cyprus will experience ...
  • I would like you to do the "Daylight Savings" worksheet (in Tuesday email). You will draw the hands on the clock to make it say one hour later, just like the clocks above. Remember, the hour hand is short and the minute hand is long.
  • Easter is a time of great joy. The Three Days lead us to Easter Sunday. It is a time to rejoice! Do you remember what those three days are? We talked about them when we were in school. They are Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. On Easter, we celebrate that Jesus rose to new life.
  • Please watch The Story of Easter by Beginner's Bible. Here is the link:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PSgoPdKQFQ

  • The moon is in the sky every night. The moon changes its shape all the time. You can even see the moon sometimes during the day!
  • The moons shape follows a pattern. The shapes of these moons are called phases. The pattern is: new moon, waxing crescent moon, first quarter moon, waxing gibbous moon, full moon, waning gibbous moon, third quarter moon, waning crescent moon, and then back to new moon.  Here is a picture for you to see them:

Amazon.com: Grindstore Laminated Moon Phases Mini Poster 32x44cm ...

  • Brain Pop Jr.  - watch "The Moon" https://jr.brainpop.com/  Username: firstgradenovak Password: novak1. You may take the quizzes, if you would like.
  • Listen to The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons being read to you. This is assigned on your Epic Reading account. www.getepic.com/students 
  • Draw and write 3 facts that you learned about the moon. Parents, Please take a picture and email me. Thank you!
  • I wonder what kind of moon will be in the sky tonight? Take a look and see if you know.
Optional: Do you love learning about space? Here is a great website for you to explore: https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html

Additonal Information:

  • Art Assignment for the week: Students will watch a drawing video " How to draw a dolphin"  found at the following link.
    They should email me a picture of their work at
  • Look at Mrs. Hall's blog for free access to a few websites.  http://stscomputers.blogspot.com/
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at tech4learn@stthereseroxbury.org for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to www.getepic.com/students Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:
  • Don't forget your brain breaks!
Have a good day!
Mrs. Novak

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Mindfulness Monday – Serenity Zone Therapy

First Grade Spirit Week -- Mindful Monday! 
Do your best yoga move, take 5 deep breaths (see how below), color a picture, read a book (For example: I am Peace found in Epic Books), or spend time with your family! Share a picture to me of you being mindful today!

5 Finger Breathing by Trisha Blalack | Teachers Pay Teachers

Here are pictures I received from Flashlight Friday! Looks like you had fun!

  • This week's spelling word list you will find in your email with Monday's work.
  • Write each word 2 times each.
  • Put your words in ABC order.
  • "Write the time" telling time worksheet (emailed with Monday's work)
  • Practice your math facts. Either choose a game/flashcards or play "Top It"! You will need a deck of cards and follow the directions below:
  1. Materials: A set of number cards with four cards each of the numbers 0-10
  2. Number of Players: 2 or 3
  3. A player shuffles the cards and places the deck number-side down on the playing surface. Each player turns over two cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum wins the round and takes all the cards. In the case of a tie, each player turns over two more cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum then takes all the cards from both players. Play ends when not enough cards are left for each player to have another turn. The player with the most cards wins.
  • Easter is a very important time. We celebrate that Jesus rose to new life and that he shares new life with us. What are some signs of new life? We see lots of new life during the beginning of spring when new grass and flowers start to bloom. Baby chicks and birds break out of their shells, bunnies and lambs are born, butterflies break out of their cocoons. All of these things in nature are signs of new life. 
  • Lenten Prayer Chain Piece: Take a walk outside and spend time observing the beauty and  miracles of God's creation. Write a list of God's creations that you saw.

  • Today, we are going to talk about stars. Stars are made of hot gases that glow.
  • The night sky is a busy place. Stars can be seen from every continent on Earth. Where do the stars go during the day? Their light is blocked out by our closest star – the sun! The sun is the closest star to Earth and its light is so bright that we are unable to see the other stars in the sky during the day. It’s not until night when the Earth is turned away from the sun that we are able to see the other stars.
  • A telescope helps you see things that are far away. This is what a telescope looks like.
Telescopes: Seeing Stars | Britannica

  • Let's learn some more about the stars and the sky: https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-1-2-week-2.html
  • After clicking the above link, go to week 2, you will scroll down until you see Day 8 Earth Science - Stars.
  • On the upper left hand side of the screen, Click on "Watch the Story" --- you will listen to a read aloud story called "Stars, Stars, Stars";
  • Next, read the book called "Looking through a telescope".
  • Then, you can do the Puzzler sections: "Word Match" and "Fact or Fiction" if you would like.
  • Finally watch video "What's in the night sky?" After watching, click on "quiz wiz" and answer questions, if you would like.
  • Do this activity: Parents: Please take a picture and email me your child's work.
          What can you see out your window during the day and during at night?
  1. Fold a piece of paper in half length-wise.
  2. Look out your window. On the left side of the paper, write or draw the things you see in the sky during the day.
  3. On the right side of the paper, write or draw the things you see in the sky at nighttime. (You can wait until nighttime to do this step, or you can do it during the day and imagine what you would see!)
  4. Are there any things you can see in the sky during the day and at night?
Optional: Do you love learning about space? Here is a great website for you to explore: https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html

Today, we would have had art class. Here is an assignment from Ms. Viggiano.

Students will watch a drawing video " How to draw a dolphin"  found at the following link.

They should email me a picture of their work at

Additonal Information:
  • Look at Mrs. Hall's blog for free access to a few websites.  http://stscomputers.blogspot.com/
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at tech4learn@stthereseroxbury.org for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to www.getepic.com/students Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:
  • Don't forget your brain breaks!

Enjoy your day!
Mrs. Novak

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday, March 24, 2020

Cheap & Affordable Children's Book Illustrations | Famous & Top ...

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Happy Friday First Graders!!

  • do practice book page 90
  • Crack the Code/Sizing Up Adjectives worksheet (you will find that in your "Mister Bones" packet)
  • Read a book about dinosaurs on Epic Books. (you can type dinosaur in the search box) Write down 3-5 facts that you learned about that dinosaur. Draw a picture of that dinosaur too.  Parents, please take a picture and email it to me. Thank you!
Spelling:        Choose one spelling activity:
  • Finger Writing -- write each word on someone's back. Have them try to guess which word it is. Let them try writing on your back next!                - OR-
  • Draw a picture and hide your spelling words in the drawing. See if someone at your home can find them!
  • What are some things you see in the springtime? Write your answer in complete sentences in your writing journal and draw a picture.
  • Yesterday, you looked at clocks that were to the hour. Like 3:00, 6:00, 12:00. Today, you are going to look at clocks to the half hour.
Here is a clock that says 2:30. The hour hand (small hand) is halfway between the 2 and 3 because it has already gone through half of the hour. The minute hand (long hand)is on the 6. If you start at the 12 and skip count by 5's around the clock, the minute hand will be 30. So, the 1 will by 5, the 2 will be 10, the 3 will be 15, the 4 will be 20, the 5 will be 25 and the 6 will be 30.
Image result for clock image of 2:30

This clock says that the time is 10:30. The hour hand (small hand) is halfway between the 10 and 11 because it has already gone through half of the hour. The minute hand (long hand) is on the 6. If you start at the 12 and skip count by 5's around the clock, the minutes hand will be 30.

Image result for clock image of 10:30

So, whenever your minute hand is on the 12....you are saying o'clock. Whenever your minute hand is on the 6......you are saying 30.

Snack Time:
  •  I miss reading to you during snack time! Grab a snack and play this link:

Image result for flashlight friday image

Flashlight Friday: Find a cozy space in your home, grab a book(or a few) and a flashlight. Make the room very dark by shutting off the lights. Use your flashlight to read for 20 minutes. Parents, if you would like to take a picture and email it to me, and with your permission, I will post on my blog for everyone to see each other. Thank you!

Additional Reminders:
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at tech4learn@stthereseroxbury.org for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to www.getepic.com/students Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:

Have a wonderful weekend. We will meet back here on Monday morning! 
Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 25, 2020

Image result for first grade images

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Good Morning First Graders!

  • practice book page 88 (circle the word to finish each sentence)
  • Please watch the following link. It will teach you how to do the next page. Do you recognize the person's voice??  https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/ed-ending/52571430/?s=rlxZIF&ref=appmessages
  • practice book page 89 (drop the Y and make it an I at the end of a word and add -ed, -er, or -est)
  • In the "Mister Bones" reading packet you will find a small reader. It will either be titled: Going on A Dinosaur Dig or Finding a Dinosaur Named Sue. Please read that book TWO times. After reading, answer question page (front and back) that I put inside of that reader.
  • page 84 - Long o:oa, ow 
  • Rainbow Words: Write each of your spelling words on a piece of paper. Trace around the outline of each spelling word three times using a different color of colored pencil or crayons each time. 

Writing Journal:
  • What are some things (at least 3) that you would see in a library? Write in complete sentences and draw a picture on your next writing journal page.

  • Today, we are going to look at telling time to the hour. We have already looked at this in school during the year, so it should be a quick review. Remember that the minute hand is long. It tells us the minutes. The hour hand is short. It tells us what hour it is.
This clock shows that it is 3:00. The short hour hand is pointing to the 3. The long minute hand is pointing to the 12.      It is 3:00.

Image result for picture of clock 3:00

This is another kind of clock. It is called a digital clock. It shows 3:00 also.
Image result for picture of digital clock 3:00
  • https://jr.brainpop.com/math/time/timetothehour/  Username: firstgradenovak     Password:  novak1       Watch and take the easy quiz.
  • Do pages 373-374
  • Draw 5 clocks on a piece of paper with the following times: 1:00, 3:00, 6:00, 8:00, 12:00. Remember that the hour hand is small and the minute hand is long. Parents, please email me your child's work. Thank you!

  • Lenten Prayer Chain -- Write down 20 things that you are thankful for.

  • I bet today you will be able to see different clouds in the sky than yesterday. Be a weather watcher again....what clouds do you see today?
  • We are going to learn more about the sky. What do you see in the sky during the day?
  • Let's begin learning about the sun!
Image result for picture of sun

The sun is the closet star to Earth. The Earth rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun. In the morning, we see that the sun rises in the east. During the day, the sun continues to travel across the sky. In the evening, we see the sun sets in the west. This is a predictable pattern. The sun gives the living things on Earth the energy they need to survive.

            Please watch the episode about the sun. You may take the easy and hard quiz.
  • I have assigned 2 books for you to read on Epic Books about the sun. Please read them.
  • Please write 3 sentences about something that you learned about the sun. You may draw a picture of the sun to go with them. Parents, please take a picture of your child's work and email it to me. Thank you!

Gym Class  -- Today, we would have had gym. Try this gym class that Cassidy loves! I think I am going to try it too! ;)  He goes live everyday at 9am but you can watch him at anytime.

Additional Reminders:
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at tech4learn@stthereseroxbury.org for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to www.getepic.com/students Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:

Have a Thankful Thursday!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 23, 2020

Image result for first grade image
Please update your child's attendance everyday. 


FYI --- each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at tech4learn@stthereseroxbury.org for your child's individual verification code.

FYI -- Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm.

Good Morning First Graders,

Today is the 130th day of school!! You know what that means.....we get to do our bundle song. Let me hear you sing it.....bundle, bundle, bundle....How many ones, tens, and hundreds is in the number 130? That's right...in the number 130....it is 0 ones, 3 tens, and 1 hundreds.

Here is a little review video for you on place value and bundling:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24ZVly-n6G8

  • In your reading textbook, please read the story "Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter" on pages 76-91.
  • Read the story a second time in your head while listening along to the story being read to you. Turn the page every time you hear the chime, just like in school. Use the following link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3oMmqz3nHc
  • Answer questions about the story. You will find these questions in your "Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter" reading packet. It is 2 pages stapled with 3 sections that are called: High frequency words, Comprehension, and Directions to answer 2 questions using complete sentences. 
  • Practice book page 87 (pick a word to finish each sentence)
  • https://jr.brainpop.com/science/land/fossils/   Username: firstgradenovak   Password: novak1  Watch link about fossils. Take easy and hard quiz. Then, write 3 sentences of what you learned about fossils. Parents, please email me your child's sentences.

  • Do page 83 Long o: oa, ow (write the missing list word).
  • Write a sentence for each word. Parents, please email me your child's sentences.

  • Do XtraMath for 30 minutes. I will be tracking your progress and can see what you did.  https://xtramath.org/#/home/index   Login information is in your folder. Practice those math facts!! 

  • Pope Francis has written a special prayer to the Blessed Mother asking for her help with the whole world as we all deal with  the terrible Corona Virus together. On this link is a special picture of Mary to go along with the prayer. Download the picture to color and pray with your family. We are all in this together, let's ask God and Mary to continue to watch over and protect us all.  https://www.catholicartworks.com/specials.htm
  • Today, you are going to learn about clouds. Clouds are made up of tiny drops of water or ice. There are 3 types of clouds. They are called cumulus, stratus, and cirrus. 
  • Watch these two videos to learn more about them.


  • Epic Books has quite a few books about clouds. Check them out!
  • Can you read the sky? I would like you to be a cloud watcher and go outside to see what kinds of clouds you see in the sky! When you are done, draw and label a picture of the type of clouds that you see in the sky.

Cirrus Clouds – High, curly, wispy, feathery white clouds made of ice and usually found on fair days. Some people think they look like " a horse's tail". That's what their name Cirrus means, "horse's tail". Cirrus clouds usually mean good weather.

Image result for picture of cirrus clouds

Stratus Clouds Layered grey clouds that block the sun, sometimes covering the whole sky and may bring rain or snow. These clouds are very close to the ground. Stratus clouds often mean that rain is coming.

Image result for picture of stratus clouds

Image result for picture of stratus clouds

Cumulus Clouds – Low hanging, white, puffy clouds which change shape very quickly and are found on warm, sunny days. They remind me of cotton balls. Do you think the cumulus clouds are shaped like anything? 

Image result for picture of cumulus clouds

Enjoy being a Wednesday Weather Watcher!
Mrs. Novak

Monday, March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Image result for image of rainbow

Please update your attendance everyday. 


FYI -- Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm.

Good Morning First Graders,

  • https://jr.brainpop.com/readingandwriting/phonics/longo/  After watching, take both easy and hard quiz.
  • Practice book pages 85 (circle the word for each picture -- looking at three letter blends) & 86 (pick a word from box to finish each sentence and write it in the puzzle). You will find these pages in "Mister Bones" paper clipped reading section.
  • Read a book from home, Raz Kids or Epic Books for 30 minutes today. Keep up the great work reading!! I get reports everyday on what each one of you are reading and how long you are reading for.


Image result for picture of an elephant
  • Adjectives describe a noun. Look at the picture of the elephant. What adjectives could we use to describe the elephant?              (big elephant, wild elephant, powerful elephant)
Image result for rabbit picture
  • What adjectives could we use to describe the rabbit?          (small rabbit, white rabbit, fluffy rabbit)
  • What is the adjective in each one of these word groups?   (big kite, long tail, little rabbit, short tail, tall plant)
  • Please do "Adjectives for Sizes/Awesome Adjectives" worksheet (you will find this in your Mister Bones packet)

  • workbook page 82 (long o: oa, ow). 
  • On a separate piece of paper, put this weeks spelling words in ABC Order.

Writing Journal:
  • What makes you excited? How do you show that you are excited? Answer both of these questions in complete sentences. Draw a picture describing it in your writing journal packet.

  • Today, we are going to talk about the dollar bill. A dollar bill is the same amount as 100 pennies. 20 nickels also is the same amount as a dollar. 10 dimes is the same amount as a dollar. 4 quarters is the same too!
Image result for picture of coins that equal a dollar
  • Do workbook pages 369-370
  • Optional: set up a store at your house with items priced up to $1. Take turns with a family member buying and selling. Pay with the exact amount of money. We are not ready to make change yet.;)

Scholastic Newsletter:
  • Take out the "My Wild Weather Day" newsletter from your folder. Log into Scholastic News as a student. https://sn1.scholastic.com/ Our password is: firstgradenovak   
  • Then find the March issue of "My Wild Weather Day". You can then watch 2 videos: "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" and "Dance Break: Weather". Review the vocabulary words and you might even want to try playing the online game "Dressing for the Weather".
  • Read the newsletter and answer questions (front and back). You will find the newsletter and question paper in your folder.

  • Practice Singing  "My Forever Friend" song. You will find it on youtube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOql1c-Ytjg  As you are listening to the song, think of Sister Theresa and let's pray that she is feeling good and we look forward to seeing her again soon!
  • Make a card for Sister Theresa saying hello and wishing her well. We will give it to her when we see her next!
Spanish: (below is a message from Senora Decker)

First and Second Grade:

As part of the ongoing efforts to support all young Spanish learners in this crisis, some online resources like ''Calico Spanish" put together a pack of 10 days of lessons any family can use to work on some basic Spanish skills while schools are closed. 

Here is the link so you can download the lesson plans and work with the students, I will adding a lesson for each grade.

  • Follow lesson plans for day 1, if possible print the flash cards
  • Watch the video Story ''Pedro El Pez conoce a la Mona'', just click on that tittle and you will be directed to the story.
  • Listen to the song ''Elefantes Grandes", same, click on the song and listen to it.
  • Complete activity worksheet on page 25 of the package.

Extra Things to Do:
Have a Terrific Tuesday,
Mrs. Novak

Monday, March 23, 2020

Please update your attendance everyday. Thank you parents for everything that you do!!


Hello First Graders!! I hope you had a nice weekend with your family! Here is your work for today:

  • Our question of the week is "What treasures can we find in the earth?" Think about that. What do you think we can find in the earth?
  •  This week we will be working on the story called "Mister Bones". You will find the reading pages and worksheets in the paper clip under that heading. 
  • Words that have the letters -oa and -ow in them, make the long o sound. Read these words: road, toad, low, flow. You will see a lot of words like this during the week.
  • Do Pages 83 & 84
  • Read a book, Raz Kids or Epic Books for 30 minutes. 
  • The spelling words for this week are: boat, road, snow, row, yellow, loaf, coat, soap, blow, pillow, once and wild.
  • Do page 77 - where you will write each spelling word 2 times each. (This page is not in the paper clipped Reading Mister Bones section. It is where last weeks spelling pages were).
  • Spelling Word Sort/Dinosaur Hunter Search worksheet.(You will find that in the Mister Bones packet)
  • What are some things you do when it's raining? Write your answer in complete sentences in your writing journal packet. Draw a picture to go with it.
  • Remember that a quarter is worth 25 cents, a dime is worth 10 cents, a nickel is worth 5 cents and a penny is worth 1 cent. The easiest way to add money is to group coins together that are the same and then put your coins from the largest amount to the smallest amount. So....a quarter goes first, then dime, nickel and penny.
Image result for pictures of coins for teaching
  • Log In to Brain Pop Jr. https://jr.brainpop.com/ Username is firstgradenovak. Password is novak1. In search box type in "Saving and Spending". You will see that they talk a lot about spending your money on needs and wants. We already know about needs and wants....let's find out about buying them with our money!
  • Do workbook pages 367-368

  • Let's do the next "Lenten Prayer Chain piece". It is " Pray for world political and religious leaders." Please say one decade of the rosary which is 1 Our Father and 10 Hail Mary's.
  • Today, we are going to talk about temperature. What is temperature? Does the temperature change throughout the day?
  • Log In to Brain Pop Jr. https://jr.brainpop.com/ Username is firstgradenovak and Password is novak1. Watch episode on temperature.
  • The colors on a thermometer shows how hot or cold the temperature is. Your mom and dad take your temperature when you are sick. We can also find out the temperature of the weather outside. The colored line is higher on the thermometer in the warmer weather and lower in the cooler weather. So, the thermometer that is red is showing that it is very hot. The thermometer in blue is showing that it is cold.
Image result for thermometer images

  • Check the temperature outside 3 times today (if you don't have a thermometer, you can ask your parents to look it up on their phone or computer): first thing this morning, in the middle of the day, and then right before dinner time. Did the temperature change? When was it the coldest? When was it the warmest? (***If you can't do it today, do it another day  this week.***)
  • Read assigned Epic Book "Hot or Cold". Write at least 2 sentences on what you learned today about thermometers and temperature.

We would normally have Art Class today in school. Please go to Miss Viggiano's blog to see about a special project she would like you to do todayhttp://stsartclass.blogspot.com/


First and Second Grade:

As part of the ongoing efforts to support all young Spanish learners in this crisis, some online resources like ''Calico Spanish" put together a pack of 10 days of lessons any family can use to work on some basic Spanish skills while schools are closed. 

Here is the link so you can download the lesson plans and work with the students, I will adding a lesson for each grade.

  • Follow lesson plans for day 1, if possible print the flash cards
  • Watch the video Story ''Pedro El Pez conoce a la Mona'', just click on that tittle and you will be directed to the story.
  • Listen to the song ''Elefantes Grandes", same, click on the song and listen to it.
  • Complete activity worksheet on page 25 of the package.

Other Resources for you to explore:

Have a Magical Monday!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Parents: Please send me your child's attendance for the day,  either through this link or email me. 
Thank you very much!

Good Morning First Graders! You did it! You completed a full week of work at home. I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. Remember to take breaks in between if you need to.

Here is your work for today:


  • practice book page 80
  • Raz Kids or Epic Books -- 30 minutes
  • practice this weeks spelling words doing one of the following ways (write each word three times each, ABC order, write each word in a sentence, or take a test with Mom or Dad). The spelling words are found on each page of your spelling work for this week.


  • Today's Lenten Prayer Chain piece: "Do something healthy to take care of the body God gave you." So.....try to have some healthy snacks today and......Let's Move! Use the following 2 links:



  • Take out several coins. Practice for at least 10 minutes finding the value of different groups of coins.
  • pages 365-366
  • Let's learn a new addition game called "Top It". You will need a deck of cards. Here are the directions:

    1. Materials: A set of number cards with four cards each of the numbers 0-10
    2. Number of Players: 2 or 3
    3. A player shuffles the cards and places the deck number-side down on the playing surface. Each player turns over two cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum wins the round and takes all the cards. In the case of a tie, each player turns over two more cards and calls out their sum. The player with the highest sum then takes all the cards from both plays. Play ends when not enough cards are left for each player to have another turn. The player with the most cards wins.

  • We will finish off our St. Patty's Day week with a GREEN frog!! Take out the scholastic newsletter titled "Don't Mess With This Dad" from your folder. 
  • Log into Scholastic News as a student. https://sn1.scholastic.com/  Our password is: firstgradenovak
  • Then find the March issue of "Don't Mess With This Dad". Watch the video "From tadpole to frog", look at the vocabulary words, and play the online game "Keep the Clutch". 
  • Read the newsletter and answer the questions (front and back). You will find newsletter and question paper in your folder.
  • Epic Books --- I have assigned a book for you to read. It is National Geographic Readers: Frogs. You will see it under the assignment button. Please read the book and write down 3 facts that you learned about frogs. Please write in complete sentences.


  • In the story we read this week, "The Dot",  we met an artist named Vashti. Let's learn about another artist name Ezra Jack Keats. He is both an author and illustrator. You may have read some of his books. Please watch the following BrainPop about him.  https://jr.brainpop.com/artsandtechnology/art/ezrajackkeats/  Username is: firstgradenovak and our password is: novak1.  
  • Now that you have learned about a person who is an author and illustrator, I would like you to make your own story and illustrate it too! Do you think you can write a story about our pet rocks in the classroom? What do you think they are doing while we are away? Are they playing in our classroom? Are they walking through the halls? Are they having a party? What do you think? Please write your own story and illustrate it. Make sure it has characters, setting, a problem and a solution. I can't wait to read them and see your illustrations!! Use any paper that you have at home.

Other Resources for you to explore:

Have a wonderful weekend. We will meet back here on Monday morning! 

Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Parents, please use the link to tell me your child's attendance for the day. Thank you to everyone who notified me yesterday!! Please make sure you do this everyday. I need to notify the school office of who is actively working and who is not. If you are having trouble with the link, you can email me at grade1@stthereseroxbury.org. Thank you!


Good Morning First Graders!!

Today is the first day of spring!! Yay!! Here is a video about spring. You can take the quizzes afterwards.  https://jr.brainpop.com/science/weather/spring/    At the login, our class username is firstgradenovak. The password is novak1.

Writing Journal:
  • What do you like to do for fun in the spring? Write in complete sentences and draw a picture on your next writing journal page.
  • practice book pages 78-79 (ai/ay and add 's to a word to show who owns something)
  • Amazing Adjectives Worksheet (in "The Dot" packet) -- highlight the adjectives in 8 sentences. If you do not have a highlighter at home, then you can use a yellow crayon.
  • In the "The Dot" reading packet you will find a small reader. It will either be titled: How Beth Feels or Susan's Missing Painting. Please read that book TWO times. After reading, answer question page (front and back) that I put inside of that reader.
  • page 80 - Long e:ea (words go into a puzzle)
St. Joseph,
watch over me
and care for me
just as you cared for
the child Jesus;
and by your help,
may I come to know
your Son,
and so grow
in strength
and wisdom
and the favor of God.

  • Let's continue to work with money. Please watch the following 2 videos:
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7hwaeaDk-I
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnXJGNo08v0
  • Today, we are going to learn how to count a group of different coins. Put on your table 1 quarter, 2 nickels and 1 penny. Group the coins that are alike together (so, make sure you put the nickels next to each other). Now, place them in greatest to least order. (quarter, nickel, nickel, penny). Now, you can figure out how much money you have. A quarter is 25 cents, a nickel is 5 cents.....so 25+5=30....now, let's add the other nickel....30+5=35....now, let's add the penny.....35+1=36. You have 36 cents.
  • How much is 1 quarter, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies? Take out these coins and place them on your table. Put the coins that look alike together. Then, organize from greatest to least. Finally, add them up! How much did you get?
  • The more you practice adding coins, the easier it gets....I promise! It just takes time. We will work on it when we get back into school too.
  • Workbook pages 361-362

  • Let's Take a Field Trip --- A Virtual Field Trip to the San Diego Zoo. Since it is spring now....I think it's the perfect time to see some animals!  Here is the  link.....have fun!!

Extra Things to do throughout the 2 weeks:
  • Raz Kids -- keep reading!!
  • XtraMath -- https://xtramath.org  Login information is in your folder. Practice those math facts!
  • Mystery Science -- https://mysteryscience.com/school-closure-planning. Scroll down to see the first grade section. You will find many "mini lessons" and "full lessons" to view. Have fun!
  • Don't forget your brain breaks!

Have a Thankful Thursday!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Morning Parents,

Please copy and paste the link below into a new tab to enter in your child's attendance everyday. I need to provide our school office with the information that your child is present and working at home or absent and not working. If you are unable to fill out the form, please email me instead at grade1@stthereseroxbury.org with your child's attendance for each day. We will be starting today with this form. I have used the honor system for Monday and Tuesday of this week. Thank you!


Good Morning First Graders!!

Today is the 125th day of school!! How many ones, tens, and hundreds is that? That's right...in the number 125....it is 5 ones, 2 tens, and 1 hundreds.

Keep working hard everyone!! I am very proud of you!! Here is your work for today:

  • In your reading textbook, read the story "The Dot" on pages 48-67
  • Read the story a second time in your head while listening along to the story being read to you. Use the following link.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5mGeR4AQdM
  • Answer questions about the story. You will find these questions in your "The Dot" reading packet. It is 2 pages stapled with 3 sections that are called: High frequency words, Comprehension, and Directions to answer 2 questions using complete sentences.
  • Can you make your own picture titled, "The Dot"? Grab a piece of paper and make your own masterpiece! You can use crayons, colored pencils, paint, watercolors, markers....whatever you would like. I can't wait to see it!
  • Practice book page 77 (pick a word to finish each sentence)

  • do page 79 Long e:ea (you will find this in a separate section from "The Dot")

Writing Journal:
  • Write five questions you would ask a leprechaun if you were lucky enough to meet one. Use the next page in your writing journal to write your questions and draw a picture. Remember to put a question mark at the end of each of your questions!

  • 25 pennies is equal to 1 quarter. Take out a penny, a nickel, a dime and a quarter. Which coin is the biggest in size? Which coin is the smallest? Which coin do you think is worth the most money? Which coin is worth the least?
  • Keep those coins out and watch the following song on youtube.....you will be asked to show him the money!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVpcZ5obmsM
  • do pages 357-358
  • Now, you are going to look at just dimes and nickels. Remember when we are counting money, we are skip counting. We are skip counting by 5's with nickels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) and we are skip counting by 10's with dimes (10, 20, 30, 40, 50). The more you practice, the easier it gets!
  • do pages 359-360

  •  Close your eyes and imagine that you are in your favorite place in nature. What do you see? What do you hear? Now, look on the ground. Someone left a pile of trash there! How do you feel about that? How is your favorite place different now? 
  • Watch  Brain Pop Jr. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  Use the following link: https://jr.brainpop.com/ Go to this link which is Brain Pop Jr. At the top of the page, click on "LogIn". Our class username is:firstgradenovak. The password is: novak1. In the search box, please type reduce, reuse and recycle. You can take the quizzes after you watch the short video.
  • The next Lenten Prayer Chain piece that you will do today is "Do something to help the Earth".  God will be so happy to see you helping him! What will you do? Maybe something that has to do with reduce, reuse, or recycle....or maybe something else.
  • Continue working on St. Patrick's packet, if you haven't already completed it.
  • Today we would have had gym. The weather is nice today, maybe run around and play a game in your yard to get some fresh air. 

Extra Things to do throughout the 2 weeks:
  • Raz Kids
  • XtraMath -- https://xtramath.org  Login information is in your folder. Practice those math facts!
  • Mystery Science -- https://mysteryscience.com/school-closure-planning. Scroll down to see the first grade section. You will find many "mini lessons" and "full lessons" to view. Have fun!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...