Friday, January 10, 2025






Social Studies: "What's The Scoop" project due January 10th!

Science: We have been learning about how we grow and change from when we were a baby, until now! Please send in a baby picture of your child in a sealed envelope. ONLY write their name on the back of the picture. DO NOT write it on the envelope. We will be playing a "Guess Who That Baby Is" game with them and they will be returned when we are finished! Please send in all pictures by Wednesday, January 15th.


TAG DAY MONDAY!! This Tag Day has been created to raise funds for a former STS family, the Buzcynski family, who recently lost their home and one fur baby to a fire. With a minimum of $1.00 donation (CASH) students may dress down on Monday. No pajamas or slippers. Thank you!!

100th Day T-shirt information went home in your child's folder. Please reach out with any questions.

Remember to check the school website for any and all upcoming events!!

Have a great day!

Mrs. Joyce

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...