Tuesday, September 3, 2024





Math: Workbook page 1.


Pizza MONEY for the QUARTER DUE September 4th!!

Picture Day - Picture Day for 1st Grade is Friday, September 13th. Students need to be in uniform.

Recess Toy - If you would like to send your child in with a SMALL recess Toy each day, you may do so. Please try not to send any toys that are "super special" to them as things can sometimes get lost or damaged.

Back To School Night - Due to a death in my family I will not be at this week's BTSN. I will be attending the wake and funeral in New York but will be back in School Friday. The FIRST GRADE ONLY Back to School Night will be Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30 pm. This will be for FIRST GRADE PARENTS ONLY. 

Remember to check the school website for any and all upcoming events!!

Have a great day!

Mrs. Joyce

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...