Monday, March 18, 2024



Spelling: Write this week's words 2x each on the worksheet provided. This week's spelling words: sat, and, of, was, but, for, after, busy, bunny, with  HFW: understand, Bundles (This is the name of the main Character in the story we are reading this week)  TEST FRIDAY!


Math: Workbook page 53 - We surveyed children in the class today and your child should have the tally chart complete on page 53. For homework they will complete numbers 2-6.



TAG DAY Friday! FREE CHOICE!! NO COSTUMES, NO PAJAMAS! If you have not paid for the year of TAG days please send in a $1 for Fridays TAG DAY. 

Thursday - Please remember if you ordered a potato for your child, they will receive them at lunch time  on Thursday.

CRAZY SOCK DAY - Students may wear crazy socks with their gym uniform on Thursday of this week with a donation to the Lots of Socks campaign to bring awareness to World Down Syndrome Day.

Remember to check the school website for any and all upcoming events!!

Have a great day!

Mrs. Joyce

 Thursday! Homework: Spelling:  Choice Board. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, snow, ...