Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's Spelling words are: her, first, bird, girl, burn, were, shirt, fur, hurt, sir HFW: visit, done TEST FRIDAY!

Reading: Worksheet page 46. 

Math: Workbook page 38. 


PIZZA MONEY DUE THURSDAY - If you already paid for LAST Friday then you DO NOT have to pay for this week. All money from last week was carried over to this week.

100th Day T-Shirt information is in your child's folder. All FIRST GRADE students are to wear their T-Shirt to school on February 8th. **Date subject to change if snow days are used.

Remember to check the school website for any and all upcoming events!!

Have a great day!

Mrs. Joyce

  Tuesday! Homework: Spelling:  Choice Board- This week's words are: repay, reopen, refund, retell, refill, unhappy, undo, unkind, untie...