Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 Dear Parents,

Welcome to the 1st Grade blog! Please check this blog DAILY for any important reminders and homework. This will be my primary means of communication with you! I will also utilize Parent Square as needed.

Here are a few reminders for our first day of school TOMORROW!

  • All students need to be in the building NO LATER THAN 7:55 am. 
  • If you were not able to attend the early drop off of supplies, please send your child with all supplies tomorrow, August 31st. We will take care of getting them organized for the first day!
  • Tomorrow is a GYM DAY! Please make sure your child is in their Gym uniform for tomorrow.
  • Friday is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE.
If you have any questions, concerns or changes to your child's dismissal procedure please email me at :

Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!


Mrs. Joyce

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...