Monday, February 7, 2022

 Happy Monday!!


Spelling: Workbook page 77. Test Friday.

Math: Cupcake Subtraction Worksheet. The child can either cut and paste the answers in OR simply write the answers in.

Reading: Workbook page 73. Decodable #39 "Home by the Sea" - Please reread this story TWO times tonight and return it to school tomorrow!


Permission Slips - I am still missing quite a few permission slips for this Friday's Valentine's Day party. Please send these in before Friday!

100th Day - Please have your child wear their regular uniform Friday (2/11) and their 100th Day t-shirt over their uniform!

Valentine's Day - Monday February 14th - Please send your child in with their Valentines on Monday (2/14). This is also a Valentine's Day TAG Day ($1)

Nature Club - Please send a note or have your child show me your signature on the Nature Club permission sheet if you would like them to participate in Nature Club this week!

Have a GREAT day!

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...