Monday, February 28, 2022

 Happy Monday!


Spelling: Workbook page 89. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 55. To find the Median, first order the numbers, then circle the MIDDLE number.

Reading: Workbook page 104.


NATURE CLUB WILL MEET THIS THURSDAY. Please send in a note if your child will be attending.

Read Across America - On Wednesday, our 7th Grade buddies will be visiting our classroom! Please send in TWO books for your child to read with their buddy!

TAG DAY - Thursday!! In support of the people of the Ukraine, St. Therese will be having a special TAG THIS THURSDAY! All donations will go to support the people of the Ukraine. Thank you! Please wear BLUE and YELLOW.

Please make sure to check the Friday Folder each week!

Thursday, February 24, 2022



Spelling - Choice Board - Choose ONE activity from your Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook! Test TOMORROW!

Math - Workbook page 54.

Reading - Workbook page 99.


On March 2nd we will be celebrating Read Across America Day! To celebrate this special day we will meet up with our 7th Grade buddies! Please send your child in with TWO books on March 2nd that they would like to read with their Buddy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022



Spelling - Choice Board - Please complete ONE activity from your Choice Board! Test Friday!

Math - Range Worksheet. Remember to put the numbers in order, then subtract the least from the greatest! Always put the bigger number first when subtracting :)

Reading - Workbook page 97. Decodable # 43 "Hide and Seek" - Please reread this story two more times today and return it to school tomorrow!



Tuesday, February 22, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 85. Test Friday!

Math: Word Problem Worksheet. Please complete each step!

Reading: Workbook page 94.


Nature Club will meet THIS THURSDAY. Please send in a note or have your child show me their Nature Club form that is signed and dated!

Have a GREAT night!

Thursday, February 17, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - choose ONE activity from your choice board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test tomorrow!

Math: Workbook page 52.

Reading: Workbook page 89.



Have a GREAT night!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 84. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 51.

Reading: Workbook page 88.



Have a GREAT night!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - Please choose ONE activity from your choice board and complete it in your Spelling notebook! Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 50.

Reading: Workbook page 86. Decodable # 41 "Joan's Boat". Please reread this TWO more times today and return it to school tomorrow!


Assessment Folders are going home today! Please sign EACH assessment and return them to school tomorrow!

Have a GREAT day!!

Monday, February 14, 2022

 Happy Monday!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Spelling: Workbook page 81. Test Friday.

Math: Tally Mark Worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 84.



Thursday, February 10, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity from your choice board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test tomorrow!

Math: Workbook page 49

Reading: Workbook page 79


TOMORROW is the 100th day of school! Please wear your 100th day of school t-shirt to school tomorrow!!

Valentine's Day - Please bring in your Valentines on Monday!

TAG DAY MONDAY! Valentine's Day theme ❤ Please send in $1 if your child would like to dress down!

Have a GREAT day!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 80. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 48.

Reading: Workbook page 78


Report Cards - Please sign and return the YELLOW of paper after you have viewed your child's report card.

Nature Club will meet TOMORROW from 2:30-4:00. Please send in a note if your child is attending. If your child has the Nature Club slip that was given out a few weeks ago, simply sign it, date it and have your child show it to me tomorrow!

Masks - Please send your child to school with an extra mask to keep in their backpack in case they need to change it during the day.

100th Day - T-shirts are due Friday! Woohoo! We are almost at 100 days!! Please have your child wear their shirt OVER their uniform on Friday!

Valentine's Day - Please send in your child's valentines on Monday if they are distributing them to the class!

Have a GREAT day! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity from your Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test Friday!

Math: Subtraction Worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 76. Decodable # 40 "Bill's Yard Sale". Please reread this story TWO more times today and bring it back to school tomorrow.


Nature Club - Nature Club will meet this Thursday. Please send in a note or have your child show me their signed and dated, "Nature Club Sheet".

Please sign and return the YELLOW slip that was sent home yesterday, This is in regards to your child's report card that was made available through Plus Portals last Friday. Please reach out with any questions.

Have a GREAT day!!

Monday, February 7, 2022

 Happy Monday!!


Spelling: Workbook page 77. Test Friday.

Math: Cupcake Subtraction Worksheet. The child can either cut and paste the answers in OR simply write the answers in.

Reading: Workbook page 73. Decodable #39 "Home by the Sea" - Please reread this story TWO times tonight and return it to school tomorrow!


Permission Slips - I am still missing quite a few permission slips for this Friday's Valentine's Day party. Please send these in before Friday!

100th Day - Please have your child wear their regular uniform Friday (2/11) and their 100th Day t-shirt over their uniform!

Valentine's Day - Monday February 14th - Please send your child in with their Valentines on Monday (2/14). This is also a Valentine's Day TAG Day ($1)

Nature Club - Please send a note or have your child show me your signature on the Nature Club permission sheet if you would like them to participate in Nature Club this week!

Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, February 3, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test TOMORROW!

Reading: Workbook page 70. Decodable Reader #38 "Funny Pets" - Please reread this TWO more times today and return to school tomorrow.

Math: Subtraction Worksheet.


February 11th - 100th T-shirts are due! Children can wear then to school that day! 

February 14th - Please send your child in with their Valentine's for the class if they are participating. February 14th is also a TAG DAY - Valentine's Day theme ($1)

Please make sure to send in your child's permission slip for our treats that will be served on the 11th during our class party.

Have a GREAT day!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022



Math: Worksheet

Spelling: Workbook page 76. Test Friday.

Reading: Workbook page 68. Decodable #37 "A Day In May" - Please reread TWO times today and return to school tomorrow!


CSW - Thursday is a TAG day! Wear Red, White and Blue! All monetary donations will go to the "Wounded Warriors Project". Just a reminder that when you hand in TAG day money, please put it in either a baggie or an envelope with your child's name on it! Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022



Math: Workbook page 47.

Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test Friday.

Reading: Workbook page 66.


Wednesday CSW - Regular Gym Uniform. Please bring in donations for Roxbury Social Services.

Thursday CSW - Red, White & Blue TAG day. Please send in a donation for the "Wounded Warrior Project".

Pizza money for February is due TOMORROW.

100th Day t-shirts are due February 11th.

Valentine's are to be sent in on February 14th.

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...