Friday, January 28, 2022

 Happy Friday!




  • Your child has a Valentine's Day treat permission slip in their folder today! Please sign it and return it next week!

  • Monday - is wear BLUE day! If your child would like to participate please send in a monetary donation that will go to the "Troopers United Foundation"

Tuesday -  students may wear their NEW Catholic Schools Week t-shirt if they purchased one. If they do not have one they must come in regular uniform.

Wednesday -  students are asked to bring in nonperishable food items for "Roxbury Social Services".

Thursday - Red, White and Blue TAG day. If your child would like to participate in this TAG day please send in a monetary donation for the "Wounded Warrior Project"

Friday - First Friday Mass at 8:30 am/Ring & Pin Ceremony for the 8th grade Class of 2022.

All information can be found on the Friday Folder!

  • Our Valentine's Day party is set for February 11th. However we will not be giving out any Valentine's until  February 14th. Please do not send in any candy Valentine's.

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...