Monday, January 31, 2022

 Happy Monday!!


Spelling: Workbook page 73. Test Friday!

Math: Subtraction Worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 64.


  • Please send back your Valentine's Day permission slips.

  • If you purchased a new Catholic Schools Week (CSW) t-shirt please have your child wear it TOMORROW (Tuesday). They may wear whatever pants they want.

  • February Pizza forms and money are due!

Friday, January 28, 2022

 Happy Friday!




  • Your child has a Valentine's Day treat permission slip in their folder today! Please sign it and return it next week!

  • Monday - is wear BLUE day! If your child would like to participate please send in a monetary donation that will go to the "Troopers United Foundation"

Tuesday -  students may wear their NEW Catholic Schools Week t-shirt if they purchased one. If they do not have one they must come in regular uniform.

Wednesday -  students are asked to bring in nonperishable food items for "Roxbury Social Services".

Thursday - Red, White and Blue TAG day. If your child would like to participate in this TAG day please send in a monetary donation for the "Wounded Warrior Project"

Friday - First Friday Mass at 8:30 am/Ring & Pin Ceremony for the 8th grade Class of 2022.

All information can be found on the Friday Folder!

  • Our Valentine's Day party is set for February 11th. However we will not be giving out any Valentine's until  February 14th. Please do not send in any candy Valentine's.

Thursday, January 27, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity from your Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test TOMORROW.

Reading: Workbook page 60.

Math: Workbook page 46.


February Pizza forms and payment are due February 2nd.

Catholic Schools Week is next week. On Monday we will have a wear BLUE TAG day. This is separate from our regular TAG days. If your child would like to participate please send in a monetary donation for the "Troopers United Foundation".

100th Day T-shirts are due February 11th.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 72.

Reading: Workbook page 58.

Math: Workbook page 45.


February Pizza Money is due next week!

Nature Club will meet tomorrow. If your child is staying, please send in a note.

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board. Please choose ONE activity from your Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 44.

Reading: Workbook page 56.

***Information is in your child's folder about our 100th Day of School project. Please reach out with any questions!

***Assessment folders are going home today. Please SIGN and return each assessment in the folder tomorrow.


Catholic Schools Week is NEXT week. Information was sent home last week in your child's folder. On Monday, students can dress down and wear blue if they bring in a monetary donation for the Troopers United Foundation.

Have a GREAT day!!

Monday, January 24, 2022

 Happy Monday!


Spelling: Workbook page 69. Test Friday!

Reading: Workbook page 54. Also, please read over Decodable #34 "Sam Can Fly" for homework tonight and send it back to school tomorrow.



Nature Club will meet this week. Please send in a note if your child will attend.

Valentine's Day - Please do not send in candy or food items as part of your child's Valentines to distribute. We will have a small class party and a permission slip will go home for the food items that will be served at the party. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

 Happy Friday!


Spelling: We continued to review and work with our Spelling words today in class. Our Spelling test has been MOVED to Monday. Please have your child study the words this weekend. Here are our Spelling words:











HFW: visit, done

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022



Math: Workbook page 43.

Spelling: Choice Board. Choose ONE activity from your Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook.

Reading: Workbook page 48. Decodable # 33 "A Big Day for Mom" - Please read Decodable #33 two more times tonight! Return the book tomorrow.



Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 65. TEST FRIDAY!

Reading: Workbook page 45.

Math: Workbook page 42.


Nature Club will meet this Thursday. Please send in a note if your child is staying for Nature Club.

Friday, January 14, 2022

 Happy Friday!



Have a wonderful weekend!

Check out more of our "What's the Scoop?" news reporters in action!

Thursday, January 13, 2022



Math: Workbook page 40

Spelling: Choice Board - Choose ONE activity to complete in your Spelling notebook. TEST TOMORROW!

Reading: Workbook page 40 and Decodable #32 "Day at the Farm". Please read your Decodable TWO times tonight and return it to me tomorrow!


Priority Registration is going on now for the 2022-2023 school year.

TAG DAY TOMORROW!! Sports theme! Please send in $1 if you would like your child to participate!

The children started reporting the news to us in class today! We will continue to hear the "scoop" tomorrow! Here are some pictures of today's reporters!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 64. Test Friday.

Reading: Workbook page 38.



Friday is a TAG DAY!! Sports theme! Please send in $1 if you would like your child to dress down THIS FRIDAY!

Pizza money for January is DUE.

Yearbook - Check the Friday Folder for information on how to order this year's STS yearbook!

Have a GREAT day!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022



Math: Workbook page 39

Reading: Workbook page 36 and Decodable #31 "Mom Races". Please read "Mom Races" TWO times at home and return it to me tomorrow.

Spelling: Choice Board. Choose ONE activity to complete IN your Spelling notebook. Test Friday.


If you have not paid for your January pizza please do so before Friday.

CSW t-shirt orders and money are due in by tomorrow!

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, January 10, 2022

 Happy Monday!!


Math: Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 34.

Spelling: Workbook page 61. Test Friday!


Catholic Schools Week (CSW) t-shirt orders are due January 12th. Please see the Friday Folder for details!

Your child is coming home with a class list today. If you would like your child to give out Valentine's for Valentine's Day this year please send them in on February 14th.

Have a GREAT day!!

Thursday, January 6, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board. Please choose ONE activity from your new Choice Board to complete in your Spelling notebook. Test TOMORROW. If we have a snow day, the test will be Monday.

Reading: Workbook page 30.

Math: Workbook page 38.

Social Studies: "What's the Scoop" project is due tomorrow!


Pizza Money DUE!!

Have a GREAT day!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022



Spelling: Workbook page 60. Test Friday!

Reading: Workbook page 29


Social Studies: "What's the Scoop" project due Friday.


Pizza Money for the month of January is due!!

Nature Club: If your child is staying for Nature Club tomorrow, please send in a note.

A big thank you to our wonderful room parents who came in today to help us celebrate Christmas :)

Have a GREAT day!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board! Your child is coming home with a NEW Choice Board that they will use for the second half of the school year. Please keep it in a safe place :)

Reading: Workbook page 27

Math: Workbook page 36

Social Studies: "What's the Scoop" project due Friday!


January Pizza orders and money are now due! Please send them in before Friday!

Nature Club is meeting this week. UPDATE!!! Your child will need a written note EACH week that they are attending Nature Club. 

Tomorrow we will have our Christmas celebration. Students will come in regular Gym uniform tomorrow, no pajamas.

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, January 3, 2022

 Happy Monday!!

Welcome Back!


Spelling: Workbook page 57

Math: Workbook page 35

Reading: Workbook page 25

Social Studies: "What's the Scoop" project is due Friday (New Due Date).


January pizza money is now due!! Forms can be found on the Friday Folder.

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...