Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!


Spelling: Your child came home with their Spelling notebook today. Inside is this week's spelling words! Please have them choose ONE activity from their Choice Board to complete for homework tonight! 

Math: Please complete the Math Addition Worksheet. The worksheet is in your child's folder.

Reading: Blue Practice Book page 49. 


1. Please sign and return the permission slip that came home today!

2. Meatball Madness - Please consider supporting our 8th grade class during their Meatball Madness Project Graduation Fundraiser this Saturday! It is one of their biggest fundraisers!  Due to COVID, pre-orders are required. It is curbside pickup and food is provided by Anthony Francos.  Accepting orders through tomorrow. 

3.Trunk or Treat is coming up! Check the Friday Folder for the online sign up form!

4. Please send your child in with ONE extra water bottle each day so they can refill as needed. Each child should also have an extra mask on hand in their backpack...just in case :)

Have a GREAT day!

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...