Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Today's Homework: 

Reading: please read for 15 minutes and log. Re-read today's reader (in folder). 

Spelling: choose any way you want to study your spelling words today (messy words, exercise words, practice test, etc). Test will be tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is Pizza Day. Please bring in $3 in a labeled envelope/ziplock if you are buying. 

Tomorrow is Picture Re-take Day. Please bring in your pictures, if you will be retaking your school picture. 

Parent Teacher Conferences: please let me know if you would rather a phone conference instead of a virtual conference. Here is the zoom link for you to use for your scheduled conference time. 

 Join Zoom Meeting 

Thank you, 
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...