Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

MEMORIAL DAY: Teach Your Children Well - Hillsborough County GOP

***If your child has not taken the Science Test and Dot & Jabber Test from this week, please make sure they do it today. These tests are both located in google classroom. Thank you! ***

Google Meet: today at 10am. We will be taking our spelling test and having Fiesta Friday! Please bring paper and pencil for the spelling test. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.

  • Please watch as I review how to look at a pictograph.
  • Do Groundhog Book page 150
  • IXL --- first grade --- math --- O. Data and graphs -- #1 & #2 (I have starred both of these)
  • How Sentences Begin and End -- in google classroom (multiple choice)

  • Test -- we will take our test in our google meeting at 10am. Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.
  • Do Math test on pages 495-496
  • Please watch the following for today's lesson:
  • Do pages 503-504
  • Do pages 505-506
  • Scholastic News - "Forest Helpers" -- (this went home when you picked up materials around Spring Break)
  •   Login as a student. Password is firstgradenovak
  • It is an April edition.
  • Watch video "What Are Endangered Animals"
  • Read "Vocabulary Words"
  • Listen and Read newsletter - answer questions on back page.
  • Looking for more? Do the reading checkpoint page, color by vowel sounds, or write an acrostic poem about Tapirs. (forms and directions are on the scholastic newsletter online page)

CHALLENGE Boards!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board and a fun activity board for you to work on this week. Have fun!

Looking for more? Check these out: I came across these 2 websites and I wanted to share with you.

  • Explore --- Watch Great Horned Owls in Montana, elephants in South Africa, bears in Alaska, pandas in China on livecams and much, much more. Truly amazing!
  • Highlights Kids --- just like the Highlights for Kids magazine. Lots of things to do and explore.

Please remember to either email me your child's work everyday or drop off their work in the box placed in front of the school building at the end of the week so I can pick it up from there to review. Thank you!

Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...