Thursday, May 28, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Self-Trust in Kids: 5 Conversations to Switch It On - John Maerz

Google Meeting: today at 10am. -- PJ Day (wear your pajamas and bring 1 joke to share with the class). If you made a poster for our 8th grade class picture -- bring that too. We will be taking our spelling test. Please bring paper and pencil for the spelling test. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.

  • Read textbook pages 138-139
  • Answer 3 questions on page 139
  • Groundhog Book page 160
  • Scholastic News -- Mo Doesn't Give Up!  (you have newsletter from spring break pickup) April issue  
  •   Login as a student. Password is firstgradenovak
  1. Video -- meet Mo Willems
  2. Video -- All About Elephant and Piggie with Mo Willems 
  3. Video -- All About Pigeon with Mo Willems
  4. Vocabulary Words
  5. Play Sort the Books
  6. Read newsletter and do ABC order on back page
  7. Optional Activities: Fill in the Bubbles Write for Elephant and Piggie!, Reading Checkpoint, Draw the Pigeon (all directions on website)
  • Test -- we will take our test in our google meeting at 10am. Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.
  • Pentecost marks the end of the Easter Season. It is this Sunday, May 31st. After Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with his friends and disciples forever.
    On Pentecost, when they were all together, suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven, and what seemed to be tongues of fire separated and came to rest on each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Over 3,000 people came to believe, and the Church was born that day! Happy Birthday Church! Here are 2 videos about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Social Studies:

Looking for more?

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Thursday, May 28,2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Best Growth Mindset Quotes for Kids and Adults - Bits of Positivity

Good Morning!

** Please take the Simple Machines test in google classroom if you did not take it yesterday. **


  • Watch this lesson to review what to do in our groundhog book today.
  • Do Groundhog book pages 158-159 
  • Open your textbook to pages 134-135 and listen to me here:
  • Do IXL -- first grade -- language arts -- GG. Pronouns -- #3 & #4
  • Read for 20 minutes. I have assigned 2 books about simple machines for you to read on Epic Reading. If you would like to learn more about this topic, you can just put the words "simple machines" in the search engine and you will find a bunch of additional books. 
  • Think about a machine you use at home or school.Write 3 sentences describing the machine and how you use it. Also, draw a picture of the machine.
  • Do Cow Book page 112
  • Study the words using one way that we have done throughout the year or makeup your own way.
  • Test tomorrow.
  • Please listen to today's lesson.
  • Do pages 517-518 (estimate differences)
  • Do pages 519-520 (regroup tens as ones using models)
  • practice addition and subtraction facts for 10 minutes (using flashcards, IXL, etc) 
  • Do pages 304-306
Social Studies:

Looking for more?

The space launch was delayed because of weather yesterday but they will try again on Saturday. Here is a video showing astronauts playing with slime in space!

Thank you Thursday with Mo Willems at 1pm.

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a great day!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Happy WEDNESDAY" Reposted by Dr. Veronica Lee, DNP (Depew/Buffalo ...

Good Morning First Graders!

Google Meeting: today at 10am. If you made a sign for the 8th graders (directions in email sent on Monday), please bring! Senora Decker will also be teaching you Spanish during this time.

  • Do Groundhog Book pages 156 & 157
  • Re-read story, Simple Machines. If you would like to hear me read it to you, just click on this link:
  • Answer comprehension questions to the story, Simple Machines. You will find these questions posted in our google classroom. 
  • Please listen to this link as I teach you about "pronouns".
  • Do IXL -- first grade -- language arts -- GG. Pronouns 1& 2 (I have starred them. Do as much as you can in 20 minutes)

  • Do Cow Book page 111
  • Study the words using one way that we have done throughout the year or makeup your own way.
  • Test on Friday

  • Please listen to today's lesson:
  • Do pages 511-512 (subtract ones or tens)
  • Do pages 513-514 (problem solving) 
  • practice addition and subtraction facts for 10 minutes (using flashcards, IXL, etc) 


Social Studies:

Looking for more?

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Mrs. Novak

Monday, May 25, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!
An Inspiring List of Kindness Quotes For Kids »

Good Morning!

***If your child has not taken the Science Test and Dot & Jabber Test from last week, please make sure they do it today. These tests are both located in google classroom. Thank you! ***

  • Do Groundhog Book page 153
  • Open up your reading textbook to page 110 and click this link:
  • Do Groundhog book pages 154-155
  • Our story this week talks about simple machines and the kinds of jobs that they do. Read story, Simple Machines, in student textbook pages 114-131.

  • Here is this weeks spelling words: oil, soil, voice, point, boy, boil, coin, oink, toy, join, against, heavy.
  • Do pages 109 & 110
  • Study the words using one way that we have done throughout the year or makeup your own way.
  • Test on Friday

  • Please watch today's lesson:
  • Do pages 507-508
  • Do pages 509-510
  • If you need to practice your subtraction facts you can do any subtraction area on IXL.

  • Please open up your book to page 300 and listen to today's lesson:
  • We Respond on page 301
  • Ask each family member in your house to write down one thing that is special about you. When you have collected all of their answers, draw a self portrait of yourself and put all of your family members answers around your drawing. You are special!

Social Studies:

Looking for more? Check these out: 
  • If you missed the Mystery Science with Doug live lesson last Thursday about is the recorded video from it:
  • Explore --- Watch Great Horned Owls in Montana, elephants in South Africa, bears in Alaska, pandas in China on livecams and much, much more. Truly amazing!
  • Highlights Kids --- just like the Highlights for Kids magazine. Lots of things to do and explore.

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

MEMORIAL DAY: Teach Your Children Well - Hillsborough County GOP

***If your child has not taken the Science Test and Dot & Jabber Test from this week, please make sure they do it today. These tests are both located in google classroom. Thank you! ***

Google Meet: today at 10am. We will be taking our spelling test and having Fiesta Friday! Please bring paper and pencil for the spelling test. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.

  • Please watch as I review how to look at a pictograph.
  • Do Groundhog Book page 150
  • IXL --- first grade --- math --- O. Data and graphs -- #1 & #2 (I have starred both of these)
  • How Sentences Begin and End -- in google classroom (multiple choice)

  • Test -- we will take our test in our google meeting at 10am. Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. Write your name on the top of the paper and numbers from 1-12.
  • Do Math test on pages 495-496
  • Please watch the following for today's lesson:
  • Do pages 503-504
  • Do pages 505-506
  • Scholastic News - "Forest Helpers" -- (this went home when you picked up materials around Spring Break)
  •   Login as a student. Password is firstgradenovak
  • It is an April edition.
  • Watch video "What Are Endangered Animals"
  • Read "Vocabulary Words"
  • Listen and Read newsletter - answer questions on back page.
  • Looking for more? Do the reading checkpoint page, color by vowel sounds, or write an acrostic poem about Tapirs. (forms and directions are on the scholastic newsletter online page)

CHALLENGE Boards!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board and a fun activity board for you to work on this week. Have fun!

Looking for more? Check these out: I came across these 2 websites and I wanted to share with you.

  • Explore --- Watch Great Horned Owls in Montana, elephants in South Africa, bears in Alaska, pandas in China on livecams and much, much more. Truly amazing!
  • Highlights Kids --- just like the Highlights for Kids magazine. Lots of things to do and explore.

Please remember to either email me your child's work everyday or drop off their work in the box placed in front of the school building at the end of the week so I can pick it up from there to review. Thank you!

Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. Novak

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!
Kids' Stuff | Visit Orange County, NY
Good Morning!

  • Do Groundhog Book page 148
  • Do Groundhog Book page 149
  • Open your reading textbook to pages 104-107 and click this link:
  • Read Student Textbook page 108
  • Answer 3 questions on page 109
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Do Cow Book page 108
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test tomorrow
  • A test is posted in google classroom for your child to take today. 
  • Check out this live mystery science show about space today at 1pm!

Mystery Doug invites you to another
LIVE SCIENCE SHOW. Doug is excited to answer kids’ questions with the help of astronaut Jessica Meir, who filmed videos for us while she was in space! (Seriously!)
Thursday, May 21
Mystery Doug Livestream

CHALLENGE!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board for you to work on this week. This will definitely help you think and work on your writing skills. How many boxes can you do this week? I can't wait to see your completed work!

Looking for more? Check these out: I came across these 2 websites and I wanted to share with you.
  • Explore --- Watch Great Horned Owls in Montana, elephants in South Africa, bears in Alaska, pandas in China on livecams and much, much more. Truly amazing!
  • Highlights Kids --- just like the Highlights for Kids magazine. Lots of things to do and explore.

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!


Happy Birthday Background 3D Banner For Kids Party. Royalty Free ...

Good Morning First Graders!

Google Meet: Today at 10am. Since we have been discussing our bodies in science, I will be sharing some interesting and funny facts! Senora Decker will be joining us and will teach you Spanish.

  • Do Groundhog Book page 147
  • Re-read story, Dot & Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery, on pages 80-101. If you are having trouble with some of the words, you can listen to me read the story as you follow along in your book:
  • Answer comprehension questions to the story. You will find these questions posted in our google classroom. You can take this multiple choice test on the computer, just like you did last week.
  • Writing: Think about a topic that you would like to know more about. What questions do you have? Write two questions. Find the answer to one of your questions and and write the answer.
  • Do Cow Book page 107
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test on Friday

  • Do pages 292-294

CHALLENGE!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board for you to work on this week. This will definitely help you think and work on your writing skills. How many boxes can you do this week? I can't wait to see your completed work!

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a good day!

Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!
Motivational quotes for kids, inspiring quotes for kids | 1 Quotes

Hi My First Grade Friends!!

  • Do Cow book on page 106
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test on Friday
  • Please open your book to pages 290-291 and listen to today's lesson:
  • Answer "We Respond" question on page 290 -- Tell some ways we can be like saints.

CHALLENGE Boards!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board and a fun activity board for you to work on this week. Have fun!

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a Terrific Tuesday!
Mrs. Novak

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

20 Unique Kid President Quotes | Kid president quotes, Quotes for kids

Good Morning First Graders!

  • This weeks spelling words are: book, moon, took, food, look, pool, zoo, noon, good, foot, instead, another. You will also find them listed on Cow Book page 105.
  • Do Cow book on page 105 in your best handwriting.
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test on Friday
  • Please listen to me explain today's lesson:
  • pages 477-478 (estimate sums)
  • pages 479-480 (problem solving)
  • Do IXL -- First grade -- Math -- D. Addition -- #21. Addition Word Problems (I starred it for you. Do as much as you can in 20 minutes)

2 CHALLENGE Boards!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board and a fun activity board for you to work on this week. Have fun!

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a good day!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!
30 inspirational quotes to lift you up - Kids Help Phone

***If your child has not taken the Social Studies and Mole and the Baby Bird Test, please make sure they do it today. These tests are both located in google classroom. Thank you! ***

Google Meet: today at 10am. We will be taking our spelling test and then playing math bingo. Please bring paper and pencil for spelling test. Write your name on the top of the paper and number from 1-12. Please all bring your "Math Bingo Board" and something to cover/color the numbers that are called. The bingo board was sent by email on Monday along with directions to how to fill it out. It was also posted in Google Classroom.

  • Listen to hear how to do page 140.
  • Groundhog Book page 140
  • Remember, a noun is word that is either a person, place, or thing. If we had a sentence that said: The boy kicked the ball. ("boy" is a noun because it is a person.  "ball" is a noun because it is a thing.)
  • Do IXL -- First Grade -- Language Arts -- FF. Nouns --- #1, 2, 3 (do as much as you can in 20 minutes)
  • Read for 20 minutes to a stuffed animal, a family member or even a piece of fruit!;)
  • Test -- we will take our test in our google meeting at 10am. Please bring a piece of paper and pencil. Write your name on the top of the paper and number from 1-12.
  • Please listen to me go over what you are doing today:
  • Do pages 473-474 (add ones or tens)
  • Do pages 475-476 (nearest ten)
  • Do IXL -- First Grade -- Math -- D. Addition -- (I have starred section 17 and the one above it. Do as much as you can in 20 minutes)
  • Religion Project -- due today. Listen to me explain the project to you here:
  • The directions and assignment that needs to be filled out is posted in our google classroom. That form along with a picture is due tomorrow.
  • After you build it, have a May Crowning (put flowers in front of Mary or a flower crown on her head) or pray a decade or whole rosary with your family in front of your grotto.

CHALLENGE!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board for you to work on this week. This will definitely help you think and work on your writing skills. How many boxes can you do this week? I can't wait to see your completed work!

Please remember to either email me your child's work everyday or drop off their work in the box placed in front of the school building at the end of the week so I can pick it up from there to review. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Novak

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

Inspiration for Living a Happy | Citation sourire, Pensées ...

Happy Thursday First Graders!!

  • Do Groundhog Book pages 138-139
  • Read textbook page 74.
  • Answer questions 1-3 on reading textbook page 75.
  • Read for 20 minutes in a place you don't normally. For example: outside, underneath your kitchen table, in a closet, in your basement, etc.

  • Cow Book page 104
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test tomorrow.

  • Please watch this video where I go over what you need to know to do in your workbook pages today.
  • Do workbook pages 469-470 (add ones and tens without models)
  • Do workbook pages 471-472 (add money)

  • Religion Project -- due Friday. Listen to me explain the project to you here:
  • The directions and assignment that needs to be filled out is posted in our google classroom. That form along with a picture is due tomorrow.
  • After you build it, have a May Crowning (put flowers in front of Mary or a flower crown on her head) or pray a decade or whole rosary with your family in front of your grotto.


CHALLENGE!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board for you to work on this week. This will definitely help you think and work on your writing skills. How many boxes can you do this week? I can't wait to see your completed work!

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Novak

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!
Inspirational Back to School Quotes for Your Children – Instill ...

Google Meet: Today at 10am. We will be discussing the story, Mole and the Baby Bird. Senora Decker will be joining us and will teach you Spanish as well.

  • Do Groundhog book page 137
  • Re-read the story, Mole and the Baby Bird, on your own. We will not be re-reading the story in our google meet today...but we will be talking about it. If you are having trouble with some of the words, you can listen to me read the story as you follow along in your book:
  • Answer comprehension questions to the story. You will find these questions posted in our google classroom. You can take this multiple choice test on the computer, just like you did for Social Studies yesterday.
  • Writing: Think about what Mole did for bird. Write at least 2 sentences telling what Mole did. Then write a sentence telling how you feel about what Mole did.
  • Cow Book page 103
  • Spelling menu is posted in google classroom -- choose one activity each day to study your spelling words from this menu.
  • Test on Friday
  • Take Math test -- pages 453-454 (you will need a ruler to answer numbers 7 & 8)
  • Please watch this for me to teach you our next lesson:
  • Do Pages 465-466 (add tens and dimes)
  • Do Pages 467-468 (add ones and tens using models)
  • Listen to this beautiful song about Mary. Hail Mary -- Gentle Woman
  • Religion Project -- due Friday. Listen to me explain the project to you here:
  • The directions and assignment that needs to be filled out is posted in our google classroom. That form along with a picture is due on Friday.

Bones Coloring Pages at GetDrawings | Free download

  • We are going to begin learning about BONES today. Your body has many bones. Bones hold your body up. Feel the long bones in your legs. Feel the short bones in your fingers. Your hand has actually 27 bones!!
  • Why are bones important? Where are your bones? Are they hard or soft? All of these questions and more will be answered over the next few days.
  • Let's first take a  look at
  • Week 1 -- Day 5 -- Life Science -- Bones
  • Watch the Story: Dem Bones by Bob Barner
  • Read the Book: You Have Healthy Bones! by Susan DerKazarian
  • Video: Bones, Bones, Bones!
  • Spelling Activity: Whose Bones Are Those?

CHALLENGE!  I have posted in our google classroom a writing choice board for you to work on this week. This will definitely help you think and work on your writing skills. How many boxes can you do this week? I can't wait to see your completed work!

Specials: Please do these when you can during the week.

Have a good day!
Mrs. Novak

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...