Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

First Grade Positive Messages!!!

April | Springtime Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann - YouTube

Please update your child's attendance everyday. Thank you!

First Grade Spirit Week -- Fill a Bucket Wednesday! 
Fill a family member, a teacher or a friend's bucket! How to fill someone's bucket: Help a family member, Share, Write a kind note, or Give them a compliment. "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" Poster by Bucket ...

Optional: Looking for more ways on how to be kind for our Spirit Day today?

  • People celebrate special days in different ways. Today, you are going to read a story about the Moon Festival. At the Moon Festival, children celebrate the bright moon. The moon's light is high in the sky. Let's find out how they celebrate the moon!
  • Read the story, The Lady in the Moon, in your reading textbook on pages 102-119.
  • Read the story a second time quietly while you listen to the story being read to you. Turn the page when you hear the chime, just like when we do in school.
  • The Lady in the Moon questions  (3 pages in Wednesday email)
  • The Lady and the Moon writing page: What could be another title for the story? What is the story mostly about? Draw a picture to show the main idea. (page in Wednesday email)

Spelling:   Here are 2 activities --- choose one or do both.
  • Use letters cut from a newspaper or magazine to make your spelling words.
  • April Showers -- write your spelling words inside raindrops that you draw.

  • "When Do You?" (worksheet in Wednesday email) -- cut out and sort the pictures of when you do the activities listed at the bottom of the page. After you have sorted them into Morning/Afternoon/Evening, you can glue them in the correct place.
  • Set timer for one minute and sit quietly until the timer goes off. One hour is MUCH longer than a minute. Play this link as I explain this to you.
  • "Hours and Minutes"(worksheet in Wednesday email) -- Cut out the pictures on the side of the paper. Decide whether it would take you an hour to do the activity or a minute. Sort and glue the pictures in the correct place.

  • During Easter we celebrate that Jesus rose to new life. We say or sing the word Alleluia with great joy during this time.
  • Make a banner with the word Alleluia on it. Decorate the banner with signs of new life (these could be from what you saw on your walk on Monday). 
  • Close your eyes: imagine that you are meeting Jesus in the garden after he rose to new life. I want you to take a minute and tell Jesus what is in your heart.
  •  A Spanish assignment has been posted on Senora's blog. You will need your IXL login information that was emailed to you.

Additonal Information:
  • We will be working with IXL in the coming days on different subjects.

  • Art Assignment for the week: Students will watch a drawing video " How to draw a dolphin"  found at the following link.
    They should email me a picture of their work at
  • Look at Mrs. Hall's blog for free access to a few websites.
  • Each child has an ABC Mouse account. Please email Mrs. Hall at for your child's individual verification code.
  • Our code for Epic Books is available on school days from 6am to 4pm. The code was emailed to parents last week.  Go to Log in with our class code   hyv9688
Extra Things to do:
  • Don't forget your brain breaks!
Have a great day!
Mrs. Novak

 Thursday! Homework: Celebrate Our Students Day!! Enjoy the night off from Homework!! Spelling: Choice Board . This week's spelling word...