Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, February 4, 2019

Today's Homework:

Reading: please read for 15 or more minutes and log. Please have your child re-read the decodable reader for fluency.

Spelling: choose one activity from spelling menu.

Math: worksheet

Additional Information:

100th Date Project -- due Friday

Valentine's Exchange -- Feb. 14th

Report Cards are going home today. Please sign the envelope and return to school by Friday.

Students should wear their new CSW T-shirts on Wednesday. There are still some shirts available, if you would like to purchase.

Enjoy the warmer weather!
Mrs. Novak

 Monday! Homework: Spelling:  Worksheet page 113- This week's words are: hawk, yawn, lawn, paw, jaw, law, straw, claw, draw, saw HFW: sc...