Tuesday, May 30, 2023





FIELD DAY - TOMORROW! Please make sure your child has the following in their backpack for tomorrow: towel, water bottle, change of clothes (some stations involve water games), hat, sunglasses (optional).

*******Please apply sunscreen to your child BEFORE they come to school tomorrow.

Reminder - Friday is our class party. Your child may bring an outside toy to play with during the party. NO WATER TOYS. Students will be in regular uniform for our party.

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, May 25, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: unhappy, refill, untie, undo, repay, unkind, undress, retell, reopen, refund, HFW: different, carry. TEST FRIDAY

Math:  Workbook page 110.

Reading: Workbook page 179.


Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Friday, May 26th is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE. Monday, May 29th is NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 120. This week's words are: unhappy, refill, untie, undo, repay, unkind, undress, retell, reopen, refund, HFW: different, carry. TEST FRIDAY

Math:  Workbook page 109.

Reading: Workbook page 178.


Please send back the KONA ICE permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Friday, May 26th is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE. Monday, May 29th is NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: unhappy, refill, untie, undo, repay, unkind, undress, retell, reopen, refund, HFW: different, carry. TEST FRIDAY

Math:  Workbook page 108

Reading: Workbook page 175.


Please send back the KONA ICE permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Friday, May 26th is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE. Monday, May 29th is NO SCHOOL.

FIELD DAY SHIRTS -  Please label the inside collar with a sharpie with your child's name, wash them (recommended), put them in a LARGE ziplock bag labeled with your child's name and return them to school NO LATER THAN Tuesday, May 23rd!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, May 22, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 117. This week's words are: unhappy, refill, untie, undo, repay, unkind, undress, retell, reopen, refund, HFW: different, carry. TEST FRIDAY

Math:  Workbook page 107

Reading: Workbook page 173.


Please send back the KONA ICE permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Friday, May 26th is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE. Monday, May 29th is NO SCHOOL.

FIELD DAY SHIRTS - will be going home today. Please label the inside collar with a sharpie with your child's name, wash them (recommended), put them in a LARGE ziplock bag labeled with your child's name and return them to school NO LATER THAN Tuesday, May 23rd!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Friday, May 19, 2023





Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

FIELD DAY SHIRTS - Please label the inside collar with a sharpie with your child's name, wash them (recommended), put them in a LARGE ziplock bag labeled with your child's name and return them to school NO LATER THAN Tuesday, May 23rd!

Friday, May 26th is a NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE. Monday, May 29th is NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, May 18, 2023





Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Reminder - Spring Concert is TONIGHT. Please drop your child off in the first grade classroom at 6:10. The concert will begin at 6:30. The concert will be split into two sessions. K to 4 will perform first at 6:30 and then be dismissed for the evening. 

TAG DAY Friday - Theme is RED, WHITE & BLUE. Cost is $1 to participate. 

FIELD DAY SHIRTS - will be going home today. Please label the inside collar with a sharpie with your child's name, wash them (recommended), put them in a LARGE ziplock bag labeled with your child's name and return them to school NO LATER THAN Tuesday, May 23rd!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 116. NO TEST THIS FRIDAY.

Math:  Workbook page 105

Reading: Workbook page 167.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Please drop your child off in the first grade classroom at 6:10. The concert will begin at 6:30. The concert will be split into two sessions. K to 4 will perform first at 6:30 and then be dismissed for the evening. 

TAG DAY Friday - Theme is RED, WHITE & BLUE. Cost is $1 to participate. 

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, May 16, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. NO TEST THIS FRIDAY.

Math:  Workbook page 104

Reading: Workbook page 165.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Please drop your child off in the first grade classroom at 6:10. The concert will begin at 6:30. The concert will be split into two sessions. K to 4 will perform first at 6:30 and then be dismissed for the evening. 

TAG DAY Friday - Theme is RED, WHITE & BLUE. Cost is $1 to participate. 

UPDATE!! Hunter, the therapy dog will be joining us on WEDNESDAY (5/17). Please send your child to school on MAY 17th with TWO BOOKS and a TOWEL to sit on outside!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, May 15, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 113. NO TEST THIS FRIDAY.


Reading: Workbook page 163.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Please drop your child off in the first grade classroom at 6:10. The concert will begin at 6:30. The concert will be split into two sessions. K to 4 will perform first at 6:30 and then be dismissed for the evening. 

UPDATE!! Hunter, the therapy dog will be joining us on WEDNESDAY (5/17) instead of Thursday the 18th. Please send your child to school on MAY 17th with TWO BOOKS and a TOWEL to sit on outside!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, May 11, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: point, soil, oil, coin, join, oink, boil, voice, toy, boy HFW: heavy, against. Test Friday.

Math:  Count By 10 Worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 160.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Details to follow soon.

UPDATE!! Hunter, the therapy dog will be joining us on WEDNESDAY (5/17) instead of Thursday the 18th. Please send your child to school on MAY 17th with TWO BOOKS and a TOWEL to sit on outside!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, May 10, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 112. This week's words are: point, soil, oil, coin, join, oink, boil, voice, toy, boy HFW: heavy, against. Test Friday.


Reading: Workbook page 158.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

The 2nd grade class is hosting the May Crowning at St. Therese Church on Thursday at 1pm. All are welcome.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Details to follow soon.

UPDATE!! Hunter, the therapy dog will be joining us on WEDNESDAY (5/17) instead of Thursday the 18th. Please send your child to school on MAY 17th with TWO BOOKS and a TOWEL to sit on outside!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, May 9, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: point, soil, oil, coin, join, oink, boil, voice, toy, boy HFW: heavy, against. Test Friday.

Math:  Odd and Even worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 156.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Our 2nd grade class is hosting the May Crowning at St. Therese Church on Thursday at 1pm. All are welcome.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Details to follow soon.

UPDATE!! Hunter, the therapy dog will be joining us on WEDNESDAY (5/17) instead of Thursday the 18th. Please send your child to school on MAY 17th with TWO BOOKS and a TOWEL to sit on outside!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, May 8, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 109. This week's words are: point, soil, oil, coin, join, oink, boil, voice, toy, boy HFW: heavy, against. Test Friday.

Math:  Workbook page 70.

Reading: Workbook page 153.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Our 2nd grade class is hosting the May Crowning at St. Therese Church on Thursday at 1pm. All are welcome.

Reminder - Spring Concert is May 18th. Details to follow soon.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, May 4, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: book, moon, took, food, look, pool, zoo, noon, good, foot HFW: instead, another. Test Friday.

Math:  Workbook page 68.

Reading: Workbook page 150.


Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


FIELD TRIP TOMORROW!  Students will be dropped off at regular time and will follow their usual morning procedures. Chaperones need to be in school by 8:45 am (meet in the gym). Students will not need their regular backpack and school books tomorrow. All of tonight's homework can be brought in on THURSDAY!


Spelling: Choice Board. This week's words are: book, moon, took, food, look, pool, zoo, noon, good, foot HFW: instead, another. Test Friday.

Math:  Workbook page 66.

Reading: Workbook page 146.



Please send back the End of the Year Celebration permission slip signed!

**Field Day shirts are now on sale! Order here: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/sts-field-day-2023

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...