Monday, February 27, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 85. This week's words are: tight, light, night, bright, right, might, high, lie, tie, pie HFW: above, laugh. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 47. 

Reading: Workbook page 94. 


Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.

We have an author visiting our class in March! Please see the form that was sent home last week in your child's folder about ordering a signed copy of her book!!

Math - A - Thon workbooks went home in your child's folder today! Our class can win a N.U.T Card if EVERY student returns the completed workbook to the Main Office with a minimum of $50 in donations per student!

Please check your child's folder each day and make sure to check our school website for upcoming events and parent information.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Friday, February 24, 2023





Field Trip - Thank you to everyone for sending in your child's permission slip. If you would still like to be a chaperone, please send in your form and payment ASAP!

We have an author visiting our class in March! Please see the form in your child's folder about ordering a signed copy of her book!!

Baked Potato Sale! Forms went home in folders. 

Math - A - Thon workbooks went home in your child's folder today! Our class can win a N.U.T Card if EVERY student returns the completed workbook to the Main Office with a minimum of $50 in donations per student!

Please check your child's folder each day!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, February 23, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 84. Test Friday! 

Math:  Subtraction Worksheet. 

Reading: Workbook page 88. 


Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.

We have an author visiting our class in March! Please see the form in your child's folder about ordering a signed copy of her book!!

Baked Potato Sale! Forms went home in folders. 

Math - A - Thon workbooks went home in your child's folder today! Our class can win a N.U.T Card if EVERY student returns the completed workbook to the Main Office with a minimum of $50 in donations per student!

Please check your child's folder each day!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Missing Addends Worksheet. 

Reading: Workbook page 86. 


Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.

Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Math - A - Thon workbooks went home in your child's folder today! Our class can win a N.U.T Card if EVERY student returns the completed workbook to the Main Office with a minimum of $50 in donations per student!

Please check your child's folder each day!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, February 21, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 81. This week's words are: boat, road, snow, row, yellow, loaf, coat, soap, blow, pillow HFW: once, wild Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 45. 

Reading: Workbook page 83. 


Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.

Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Friday, February 17, 2023





Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.


Math - A - Thon workbooks went home in your child's folder today! Our class can win a N.U.T Card if EVERY student returns the completed workbook to the Main Office with a minimum of $50 in donations per student!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, February 16, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 44. 

Reading: Workbook page 79. 


Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form and payment is due 2/24.


Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 80. Test Friday! 


Reading: Workbook page 78. 


Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form is due 2/24.


Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, February 14, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 76. 


Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

Field Trip permission slip and chaperone form is due 2/24.


Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, February 13, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 77. This week's words are: eat, sea, each, team, please, dream, treat, beach, clean, lean HFW: colors, sign Test Friday! 

Math:  Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 73. 


Please make sure you send back the permission slip for our Valentine's Day snack!

Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

TAG DAY TOMORROW! Valentine's Day theme. Cost is $1.

Please send your child in with their Valentines TOMORROW!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, February 9, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 43

Reading: Workbook page 69. 


Please make sure you send back the permission slip for our Valentine's Day snack!

Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, February 8, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 76. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 42

Reading: Workbook page 68. 


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Please make sure you send back the permission slip for our Valentine's Day snack!

Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, February 7, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 66. 


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Please make sure you send back the permission slip for our Valentine's Day snack!

Please sign and RETURN the GREEN slip that was sent home yesterday with instructions on how to view your child's report card online.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, February 6, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 73. This week's words are: train, way, tail, play, day, main, rain, gray, mail, afraid HFW: about, would. Test Friday! 

Math:  Word Problem Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 63. 


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Please make sure you send back the permission slip for our Valentine's Day snack!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, February 2, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 60. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

CSW: Friday! 9:00 Mass celebrating our 8th Graders and Volunteers!

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


CELEBRATE THE STUDENTS DAY AT STS! We enjoyed a movie this afternoon to celebrate the wonderful students here at St. Therese School!

The class worked SUPER hard today and have earned a night off from written homework! Remember to practice your Spelling words for Friday's Test! Enjoy your day!!


Pizza money DUE TOMORROW!

DRESS DOWN DAY TOMORROW! RED, WHITE and BLUE! Wear your patriotic colors and send in a monetary donation for the "Wounded Warriors".

100th day is MONDAY! Remember to wear your 100th day shirt to school on Monday. Students may wear any bottoms they would like with their shirt!

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...