Tuesday, January 31, 2023




Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 40

Reading: Workbook page 56. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

CSW: Wednesday! If you purchased the CSW 2023 t-shirt, your child may wear it tomorrow with their gym sweatpants. If they did not, please have them wear their regular gym shirt and sweatpants. Snack shop will be happening tomorrow!!

Reminder that PIZZA money is DUE THURSDAY!!

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, January 30, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 69. This week's words are: shorter, shortest, bigger, biggest, slower, slowest, faster, fastest, sadder, saddest HFW: before, good-bye. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 39

Reading: Workbook page 54. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

CSW: Tuesday - Celebrate Our Faculty, Staff & Vocations - Please send in a donation for Roxbury Social Services. They are in need of the following: mayo, mustard, ketchup, chunky peanut butter, strawberry jelly, kid snack packages, Cup of Soup (beef), sugar and small canned chicken.

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, January 26, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 49. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

TAG DAY Friday! Theme is "Pajamas". Cost is $1.

Sunday marks the beginning of Catholic School's Week. Your child came home with the CSW flyer with all the info for next week's activities. This can also be found on our school website!

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, January 25, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 68. Test Friday! 

Math:  Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 47. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

TAG DAY Friday! Theme is "Pajamas". Cost is $1.

Pizza money due TOMORROW!!

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, January 24, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math:  Workbook page 38

Reading: Workbook page 46. 


100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.

TAG DAY Friday! Theme is "Pajamas". Cost is $1.

Pizza money due THURSDAY!!

Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, January 23, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 65. Test Friday! This week's words are: her, first, bird, girl, burn, were, shirt, fur, hurt, sir HFW: visit, done

Math: Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 43. 


100th Day of School information went home last week. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th!

TAG DAY Friday! Theme is "Pajamas". Cost is $1.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, January 19, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 64. Test Friday!

Math: Subtraction Worksheet. Your child came home with a number line yesterday. Please keep this at home to be used for homework time, when we begin number line subtraction and addition/subtraction of larger numbers.

Reading: Workbook page 39. 

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. 


100th Day of School information went home last week. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th!

Priority Registration Packets are due back FRIDAY!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, January 18, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 37. Your child came home with a number line yesterday. Please keep this at home to be used for homework time, when we begin number line subtraction and addition/subtraction of larger numbers.

Reading: Workbook page 36. 

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. 


100th Day of School information went home last week. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th!

Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Priority Registration Packets are due back FRIDAY!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, January 17, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 61. Test Friday! This week's words are : ask, asked, plan, planned, help, helped, jog, jogged, call, called HFW again, soon

Math: Workbook page 36. Your child came home with a number line today. Please keep this at home to be used for homework time, when we begin number line subtraction and addition/subtraction of larger numbers.

Reading: Workbook page 35. 

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. 


100th Day of School information is going home in folders this week. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th!

Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Priority Registration Packets are due back FRIDAY!

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, January 12, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test tomorrow! 

Math: Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Reading: Workbook page 29. 

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


100th Day of School information is going home in folders this week. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th!

Monday 1/16 - NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, January 11, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 60. Test Friday! 

Math: Workbook page 35.

Reading: Workbook page 28. 

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


Pizza money due TOMORROW!

100th Day of School information is going home in folders this week.

Monday 1/16 - NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday! 

Math: Subtraction Worksheet.

Reading: Workbook page 25. Decodable # 29 "We See Pets".

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

100th Day of School information is going home in folders this week.

Monday 1/16 - NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Monday, January 9, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 57. Test Friday! This week's words are: fix, fixes, class, classes, wish, wishes, kiss, kisses, bus, buses HFW friends, very

Math: Workbook page 34.

Reading: Workbook page 23.

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

100th Day of School information is going home in folders this week.

Monday 1/16 - NO SCHOOL.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Thursday, January 5, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 56. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 33.

Reading: Workbook page 18.

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.

Have a GREAT day!

Mrs. Joyce

Wednesday, January 4, 2023



Spelling: Choice Board. Test Friday!

Math: Workbook page 32.

Reading: Workbook page 16.

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


Pizza money due TOMORROW!

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023



Spelling: Workbook page 53. Test Friday! This week's words are: bring, trunk, pink, bank, sang, wing, rink, blank, rang, sunk, every, sure.

Math: Workbook page 31.

Reading: Workbook page 13.

S.S.: "What's the Scoop" project due January 23rd. Packets went home before the break.


Pizza money due THURSDAY!

Have a GREAT day!

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...