Monday, June 13, 2022





Class Party - Children are allowed to bring an outside toy to play with during our party tomorrow! Please make sure you label anything that comes in!

3 more days!! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are half days! NO AFTER CARE ON THURSDAY!

****Your child is coming home with an orange folder from Ms. Taylor! 

Have a WONDERFUL day!!

Thursday, June 9, 2022





Field Trip TOMORROW. All information went to parents in a Parent Square alert earlier this week. Please make sure children have a bagged lunch and are wearing their gym uniforms tomorrow. All chaperones will drive their children to Waterloo Village. No children with chaperones will ride the bus. Please arrive at Waterloo Village NO LATER THAN 9:45 a.m.

Please reach out with any questions via email.

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Congratulations to our 8th graders who will be graduation this evening!

Homework: Due to Friday's Field trip, we will have NO HOMEWORK on Thursday. If your child comes home with a NO HOMEWORK PASS today, please have them use it for TODAY'S Homework!!

Spelling: Word Hunt Worksheet. NO TEST FRIDAY!

Math: Review Packet (Coins, Odd/Even, One More One Less)

Reading: Complete the "Hiccup Help" packet.



Friday is our field trip! Any parent that is a chaperone will drive to Waterloo Village WITH their child. They will NOT ride the bus. Some parents will be given extra students who do not have a chaperone. Thank you!!

Next Week - Monday is a FULL DAY, Tuesday, Wednesday are HALF DAYS WITH AFTER CARE, Thursday is a HALF DAY with NO AFTER CARE.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022



Spelling - Choice Board. NO TEST FRIDAY!

Math - Workbook page 125.

Reading - Finish the "Playing Catch" packet.


Field Trip information went out yesterday on Parent Square. Please make sure you have read it and if any questions come up don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Monday, June 6, 2022

 Happy Monday!


Spelling - Write this week's Spelling words 2 times each on the worksheet provided. This week's words are: old, put, again, kind, other, very, for, storm, does, goes HFW: vacation, sunshine (due to our field trip we will have NO TEST on Friday)

Math - Workbook page 124.

Reading - Complete the "The Other Half" packet.


TAG DAY - TOMORROW!! Hawaiian theme! The cost to dress down is $1.

Assessment Folders will go home today. Inside are all the assessments from this year. This DOES NOT need to be returned. All assessments and the folder can stay home.

Class Trip - Our class trip is this FRIDAY. Information will go out to parents shortly!

Kona Ice day is tomorrow! If you did not purchase an ice for your child, you may send in CASH ONLY tomorrow for them to get an ice. The cost is $5.

Thursday, June 2, 2022



Spelling: Choice Board. NO TEST TOMORROW.

Math: Workbook page 112.

Reading: Complete "The Farmers Great Day" packet.


TAG DAY Tuesday, June 7th. Hawaiian them!! Please send in $1 with your child if they would like to dress down that day!

This Friday is our LAST pizza Friday. Next Friday is our class trip. Information on our class trip will go home soon.

Have a great day!

 Wednesday! Homework: Spelling:  Workbook page 84. This week's spelling words are: boat, coat, loaf, road, soap, pillow, yellow, blow, s...