Spelling: Workbook page 69. This week's words are: shorter, shortest, bigger, biggest, slower, slowest, faster, fastest, sadder, saddest HFW: before, good-bye. Test Friday!
Math: Workbook page 39.
Reading: Workbook page 54.
100th Day of School information went home. T-Shirts are to be worn on February 6th! Students can wear any pants they want but please make sure they are in sneakers.
CSW: Tuesday - Celebrate Our Faculty, Staff & Vocations - Please send in a donation for Roxbury Social Services. They are in need of the following: mayo, mustard, ketchup, chunky peanut butter, strawberry jelly, kid snack packages, Cup of Soup (beef), sugar and small canned chicken.
Reminder: Please only send in WATER in your child's water bottle. Thank you!!
Have a GREAT day!
Mrs. Joyce