Tuesday, May 31, 2022



Spelling: Write this week's Spelling words 2 times each on the worksheet provided. NO TEST THIS WEEK. Here are this week's words : first, girl, sir, burger, art, purple, bird, shirt, turn, hard HFW: shells & ocean.

Math: Time to the Hour Worksheet.

Reading: Finish the "Missing Book Mystery" packet.


Field Day is TOMORROW! Children should come to school in their tie dye shirt and gym shorts. Children should come with the following: extra water, snack, lunch, towel & one pair of extra socks.  The following items are optional: sunglasses and hat (ALL ITEMS MUST BE LABELED).

Pizza Money is DUE THURSDAY! Exact change please!


 Thursday! Homework: Spelling:  Choice Board. This week's spelling words are: home, rose, hope, woke, those, hose, bone, joke, rode, sto...