Wednesday, March 16, 2022



Spelling - Workbook page 100. Test Friday!

Math - Workbook page 60.

Reading - Workbook page 128.


Assessment Folders - Please send back your child's assessment folder if you have not done so already. Thank you!

Field Trip - Forms and chaperone payment are due FRIDAY!

TAG DAY TOMORROW! Theme is St. Patrick's Day!

Pizza Friday - Please send in $3 for pizza Friday if you have not done so already. Starting in April we will be paying WEEKLY, CASH ONLY, EXACT CHANGE. I will not have the ability to make change once we switch to weekly orders so please send in only the $3 needed to pay for pizza that day.

Have a GREAT day!

 Friday! Homework: Spelling:  NO HOMEWORK Reading:  NO HOMEWORK Math: NO HOMEWORK . Reminders: Remember to check the school website for any ...