Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Happy Thursday! The first graders had a very busy day today! 

Just a few reminders:

We have NO SCHOOL Friday and Monday! Enjoy the long weekend!

We have two TAG days coming up this month. A flyer went home in your child's folder today about a special TAG day being held on October 19th. Children may wear no uniform that day if they bring in a donation. The second TAG day is October 22nd. If your child participates, please have them wear Halloween colors (NO COSTUMES). TAG day donation is $1.00.



Have a great day! See you Tuesday!

Mrs. Joyce

 Thursday! Homework: Spelling:  Choice- This week's words are: hawk, yawn, lawn, paw, jaw, law, straw, claw, draw, saw HFW: science, thr...