Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

Today's Homework:

Reading: please read for 15 or more minutes and log. Re-read today's decodable reader.

Spelling: choose one activity from spelling menu. Test on Thursday.

Math: workbook pages (in folder)

Additional Information:

Thank you very much to our room moms, Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Rice for a wonderful Easter party on Friday!! Thank you also to Mrs. Lam for providing an Easter egg hunt for the class......FUN!

Please send in May pizza money as soon as you can.

Thursday -- dismissal is at 12:00.

Friday -- No School

Spring Break -- 4/19 - 4/29 (School re-opens on 4/29)

Have a nice day,
Mrs. Novak

 Monday! Homework: Spelling:  Worksheet- This week's words are: both, then, cloth, these, this, with, that, find, some, thick HFW: summe...